STAR NIGHTS. The Night of the Stars comes to an end this Sunday. So, to observe the Perseid peak, a phenomenon bringing together many shooting stars, discover the activities on the program for the 33rd edition.

[Updated Aug 13, 2023 3:34 PM] Last day for stargazing. This Sunday, August 13, 2023, on the occasion of the Night of the Stars, several events are organized across France. The objective of this new edition: raise your eyes to try to see the Perseids, these showers of shooting stars, especially visible in August. But also discover the stars, constellations and get to know the sky better. Organized by the French Association of Astronomy (AFA), this event promotes the observation of celestial phenomena. This year, the conditions are the most favorable from August 11 to 13, including the peak of the Perseids, one of the most spectacular meteor showers of the year.

More than 500 events are offered in France. While it is recommended to move away from agglomerations because of their light pollution, some try to do what is necessary to be able to admire the universe. Discover below the multiple events planned across different regions of France.

In Lille, Bordeaux or Lyon, events are organized in all cities of France. More than 250 structures offer events across France for a total of 500 activities. A large number of them are free and open to all audience profiles, from beginners to astronomy enthusiasts. The opportunity to discover the wonders of the night sky: planets, stars, constellations or shooting stars!

This year, the theme of the Night of Stars will be “Stardust”, a subject in line with the time of year since the event will fall at the same time as the peak of the Perseids. It will therefore be possible to admire many shooting stars streaking the night sky.

Astronomy clubs, planetariums or even observatories, various structures across the territory will open their doors to the public to offer them the possibility of using astronomical equipment to admire the celestial vault. It’s now or never to discover the planets through a telescope or to learn to recognize the constellations. To find the complete program of events organized near you on the occasion of the Night of the Stars, go to the website of the French Astronomical Association (AFA) which lists the events.

The events are not taking place in Lyon itself but on the outskirts: go to Vaulx-en-Velin, 10 km from Lyon, from August 12 at 5 p.m. to August 13 at 1 a.m. The Astronomy Club of Lyon Ampère (CALA) offers workshops, activities and observations of the sun from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., then from 8 p.m. to midnight, observations of the sky with glasses and telescopes. A workshop “Getting your bearings in the summer sky” is also offered free of charge.

For Lille, everything happens in Villeneuve d’Ascq: at the Forum départemental des Sciences located at 1, Place de l’Hôtel de Ville. Here is the program. From August 11 at 6 p.m. to August 13 at 6 p.m., the planetarium of the Departmental Science Forum opens its doors free of charge with three planetarium sessions on the program from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. on August 11 and 12 and from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. on August 13.

From August 11 to August 13 from 9:30 p.m. to midnight, at the Kerzouar Observatory, located in Saint-Renan, 13 km from Brest, the public is invited to attend an observation of the sky.

The Bourgailh ecosite in Pessac, 7 km south-west of Bordeaux, in collaboration with the association Jaille Astronomie, offers on August 13 from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. creative workshops for children (all ages) and observation of the sun, then at 10 p.m. a conference “The Moon” by Pascal Duphil, then from 9:30 p.m. to midnight a nocturnal observation (planets, nebulae, galaxy, star clusters, …).

A moment to live during the school holidays! The Night of the Shooting Stars had a singular title when it was created in 1991 since the event lasted only one day. But it became plural: “The Nights of the Stars”, because the event was extended to three consecutive nights of observation from the year 2000 edition. observation in France, it makes it possible to observe the planets Jupiter, Mars and Saturn as well as the meteor shower of the Perseids. These stars come from the constellation Perseus. They are located below the constellation called Cassiopeia, in the shape of W.

To optimize your chances of seeing the stars, it is better to move away from sources of light pollution such as street lights. The stars are observed from 10 p.m., after dark. If the horizon is clear to the northwest, where the Sun sets, you won’t miss a beat. Especially if you have binoculars or a telescope.

The Nights of the Stars take place over three days, on August 11, 12 and 13, 2023. Since 1991, the Night of the Stars has been organized in France, and in several European countries by associations, in particular the Association Française d’Astronomie . It was renowned astrophysicists or scientists, such as Hubert Reeves or Alain Cirou, in association with France 2, who launched the event.

Every year, the Earth passes through the Perseids. This is a meteor shower made up of the debris of an ancient planet: Swift Tuttle. Their mass ranges from the head of a pin to that of… a pea! Upon coming into contact with the Earth’s atmosphere, these small rocks provide a magnificent natural spectacle: shooting stars. The Perseid meteor shower will take place on the night of Saturday August 12 to Sunday August 13, 2023.