Do abs give you a flat stomach? Well it’s a myth.

The sunny days are approaching, your beach vacation is planned, but you don’t know if your “summer body” will be ready in time? Beware of preconceived ideas if you want to increase your efforts by doing a series of abdominal sessions for example, because these will not give you a flat stomach… There are indeed many preconceived ideas in sports practice and one of the The main reason is to believe that abs sessions give you a flat stomach. Many of you may be doing hours of training, looking at your stomach, and not seeing any difference, nor the famous “chocolate bars” that you were promised.

Know that most of the time, our “small” stomach is linked to a lack of physical activity and a diet that is too rich. Julie Guery, dietitian, explains for Decathlon that the lower abdomen is one of the storage areas because it is less vascularized than other parts of the body and therefore poorly drained. So before seeing your tablets, you need to remove this layer of fat.

The solution to having a flat stomach is therefore to circumvent the area in question and instead work the upper and lower body. Walking helps melt abdominal fat cells and lengthen the torso, while traditional ab exercises have the opposite effect. Walking 10,000 to 14,000 steps per day is a great goal to start with.

To have a flat stomach, diet is also essential. Thibault Richard, sports coach, gave some advice for L’Equipe and explains that “even before embarking on a sports program,” you must “adopt a healthy and balanced diet.” It is only “at the same time” that practicing regular sporting activity will help eliminate abdominal fat and strengthen your abs.

Also be careful about comparisons with your neighbor. This specialist explains that we are not all equal… “Depending on our genes and our own metabolism, we oxidize fats more or less well. Two people who eat exactly the same thing, practice the same physical activities and have the same hygiene of life will thus be able to have a difference of 10% in fat mass.

To be able to obtain this famous flat stomach, you must favor “cardio” exercises, and it doesn’t matter which muscles are used: jumping lunges, jumping jack, mountain climber, pull-ups, sprints, stair climbs… These are exercises to practice. And last little advice provided by this coach: plan for the long term. We would love to make you dream, but a flat stomach cannot be achieved in 10 days!