The Netflix series dedicated to Bernard Tapie has not escaped criticism from the businessman’s family. But an impressive scene brings all the subscribers in agreement.
A controversial figure gives, unsurprisingly, a controversial series. Everyone had time to form their own opinion on the Tapie series, released on September 13 on Netflix. French critics praise the qualities of the program and the stunning performance of Laurent Lafitte. The Tapie clan, for its part, castigates this project to which the principal concerned himself had opposed during his lifetime. What about Netflix subscribers in all this?
Most reactions are positive, with users of X (formerly Twitter) also praising the script and the actor’s performance in the lead role. Others are disappointed, deploring that it is mainly a fiction that does not stick sufficiently to reality according to their taste. But one scene seems to be unanimous among Internet users who have taken the trouble to criticize “Tapie” since its streaming release. This is a long sequence of around twenty minutes in episode 7.
During this scene, the businessman/politician/host/boss of OM/convict version Lafitte launches into a verbal joust with the prosecutor Eric de Montgolfier (played by David Talbot), magistrate who sued him in the VA-OM case.
Subscribers do not fail to praise this long scene on lot” over all of the seven episodes that make up the series. An Internet user praises “the dialogues cut with a blade” in “a joust between Eric de Montgolfier and Bernard Tapie which is the fireworks of 7 episodes of a series without any downtime”.
Another user of For another, this scene is simply “a masterpiece”.
Even before the series was released on Netflix, those close to Bernard Tapie had vilified the project on which they had not been consulted. Since it was posted online, Dominique Tapie, his widow, has deplored to Madame Figaro “the mixture of real facts, which makes us think that everything is true, with pure inventions”, particularly in the image of her which is returned by the series.
Stéphane Tapie, son of the businessman born from his first marriage to Michèle Layec, spoke on X, accusing Netflix of being “pigeons”. For Laurent Tapie, second son of the former boss of OM, “Tristan Séguéla [the creator of the series, Editor’s note] takes real elements from the life of [his] father and around it, he embroiders a completely invented story” . It’s up to everyone to form their own opinion now.