A debit line will soon appear on your bank statement.

“DGFIP direct debit”: this wording will appear on nearly 10 million bank accounts in the coming days. You’re not the originator of this? Don’t panic, there’s no need to call your bank advisor, this debit is not fraudulent but indeed legal. While the end of summer and the start of the school year have taken a toll on the wallets of many French people, a new mandatory expense will arrive. Maybe even several times!

These are in fact the taxes which will be used directly on your current account to settle your debt following your income declaration. 9.6 million tax households are in a situation of having to pay a balance to the General Directorate of Public Finances, in addition to the withholding tax. On average, according to calculations by the tax administration, 2,259 euros will have to be paid per household.

Taxpayers can rest assured, this will not be taken all at once. Indeed, the rules established by the tax authorities provide that beyond a debt of €300, the amount is paid in four installments, with four different deductions. The first will take place on Monday September 25, 2023. It is also on this same date that households with a debt of less than €300 will be deducted from the entire amount.

For balances to be paid of more than €300, other automatic payments will take place on Thursday October 26, 2023, Monday November 27, 2023 and Wednesday December 27, 2023. No action needs to be taken, everything is already managed by the tax administration . All that remains is to have the money in the account to avoid an unpleasant surprise.