In the most luxurious hotels, it is possible to order directly to your room at any time. Hoteliers from several countries have delivered on the most eccentric requests of their guests.

Hotel guests can sometimes have unusual requests when it comes to room service… Especially in palaces and luxury hotels where guests know they can get everything in just a few minutes. Everything, even very surprising dishes! Apart from the classic club sandwiches, sodas or chips, some of these requests no doubt made the switchboard operators or cooks smile. To get into the little secrets of these establishments, the reservation site conducted a global survey involving 473 hotels, and the results are surprising to say the least.

First of all, know that room service can be a very profitable option for a hotel establishment. The survey shows that nearly a third of travelers spend at least 85 euros per night on room service. Among the most ordered products, we find coffee but also hamburgers, particularly during the 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. time slot. Lazy to go to the restaurant?

So what about the 10 most unusual room service requests? The list includes some surprising products, established by this survey conducted in 473 hotels in April 2023. Here are the top 10 most surprising products, established by based on hotel responses:

1. “Light water”. Yes, it must exist but don’t ask us the difference with classic water.2. Melted ice cream. Perhaps there was a small dental problem behind this request?3. Fugu, this puffer fish known for its toxicity if the toxins contained are not carefully removed. This product, renowned in Japanese gastronomy, requires a certain skill from the cook. Was it for a bet or for the love of risk?4. Boiled water, bottled. Was it to make a plate of spaghetti in the room or to avoid contamination? Mystery…5. Fish brought by the customer, and to be cooked in the kitchen. No doubt the work of an amateur fisherman…6. Fried mussels. Home sickness?7. An omelette without egg white.8. A bowl of rice… for the dog.9. Bison. A tribute to Buffalo Bill?10. A shakshuka, a dish composed mainly of eggs and tomatoes but this time served without eggs!