Can you drink from a glass that has a fly in it? On the subject, science has answers to certain aprioris.

Everyone has been in this situation: discovering a reckless little fly that has crashed into your glass. It’s a common situation, but it raises a key question: Can you still drink your drink? The sight of a fly floating in your glass can cause an instant feeling of disgust: it’s natural to wonder if this unwelcome intrusion represents a potential inconvenience.

Science has addressed this issue by pointing to the fact that insects, including flies, carry microorganisms, including potentially pathogenic bacteria. Their contact with our drinks may raise concerns about some form of contamination.

Several studies have examined the question of whether having a fly in your drink is actually problematic. The conclusions are reassuring: most of the microorganisms present in the bodies of insects are not dangerous to humans. In fact, the vast majority of them do not survive long in the acidic environment of our stomachs.

Sébastien Lebreton, head of department at the Research Institute in Semiochemistry and Applied Ethology in Apt, specifies to Ouest-France: flies deposit bacteria and yeasts in the glass, “but nothing dangerous”. Additionally, the vast majority of flies that drink from our glasses are houseflies, so they often carry less bacteria than you might think.

However, some of us will prefer not to take any risks and choose to throw the drink away, while others may simply remove the fly and continue drinking without hesitation. If you are faced with this situation, here are some practical tips:

Ultimately, the occasional presence of a fly in your drink shouldn’t be a cause for concern. However, your own comfort and personal perception play a key role in how you will react to this situation.