Just one day after its release, this highly anticipated film rose to the top of the most viewed feature films on the streaming platform in France.

Currently on Netflix, series fans can turn to the end of “Sex Education”, the mini-series “Tapie” or the police drama “Chère petite”. But for those who want to see a film, it’s a different story and trends vary regularly. Subscribers to the streaming platform seem to have given the word, since a film rose to the top of the platform’s most viewed feature films in France only one day after it was put online on the site.

Released on September 28 on Netflix, “Banlieusards 2” was now the number 1 film on the platform in France the next day according to Flixpatrol, ahead of “Black Phone”. And the French subscribers who launched the feature film are totally won over by this sequel: “it is as good as the first”, writes one of the X users.

Others were seduced by this feature film which follows three brothers in a French suburb: “Banlieusards 2, or how to cry with all the tears in your body, wow,” reacts an Internet user on Elon Musk’s social network. “He identified in a very subtle way the problems faced by people who live in the suburbs without falling into victimization, a masterpiece,” comments another. A Netflix subscriber, who “liked the film”, however believes that the “ending is too annoying (sic)”.

This sequel to the successful feature film released in 2016 is still directed by Leïla Sy and French rapper Kery James. As a reminder, the first was a real success, since 2.6 million households had seen it around the world in just seven days, Netflix announced. This second feature film takes place two years after the events of the first. Demba (Kery James) tries to change his life, when Noumouké (Bakary Diombera) becomes involved in brawls and Soulaymann (Jammeh Diangana) begins his career as a lawyer. The film is available now on Netflix.