Thirty-eight years after sending a letter received by little Grégory’s grandmother, the crow was identified using its DNA.

For almost forty years, the affair of little Grégory has caused a lot of ink to flow. It must be said that there have been many twists and turns in this criminal case which is among the most emblematic in French legal history, with, among other things, numerous indictments but also several crows. And it is precisely on the identity of one of them that the investigators, who always continue their work discreetly, were able to lift the veil.

According to information from Marianne, new scientific expertise has made it possible to identify the author of an anonymous letter sent on July 24, 1985, almost a year after the death of little Grégory, to his grandmother, Monique. Villemin. The analyzes were requested by the Villemin family and authorized by the courts two years ago, in 2021. Result: the crow is a woman from Guadeloupe. Living in Paris in the 1980s, she was able to be found thanks to her DNA left on the letter. Compared to data from the National Automated Genetic Fingerprint File, the DNA ended up “matching” with that of a woman convicted of fraud.

Questioned by investigators, the suspect admitted having sent the letter, admitting to being “passionate about the case”. However, she refuted any involvement in the assassination of little Grégory, killed on October 16, 1984 and found tied hand and foot in Vologne, explains Le Figaro which confirms Marianne’s information. “I will make you (sic) your skin again to the Villemain family (sic). Next victim Monique”, indicated the crow in his famous letter.

If this discovery will not put an end to the investigation into the affair of little Grégory, it still leaves the hope of seeing, one day, this case resolved thanks, perhaps, to new technologies and techniques . In Le Figaro, the lawyer for the boy’s parents confided that they “believe and continue to believe that science, with its progress, is capable of providing them with answers.”