MEP Pierre Larrouturou is preparing his own list for the European elections with his Nouvelle Donne party. But he still hopes for an alliance with the environmentalists of Marie Toussaint.

He repeats: “no list will be submitted before May 6”. A little over a month before the European elections, one MEP has not yet lost hope of seeing a union on the left. Pierre Larrouturou was elected to the European Parliament in 2019 on the alliance list between the Socialists, Place Publique and Nouvelle Donne. Five years later, the founder of Nouvelle Donne left Raphaël Glucksmann behind to launch his own list, “Change Europe”. Which doesn’t stop him from calling for a rally, particularly with environmentalists.

“We are reaching out to everyone,” he said on Tuesday April 30 on France Inter. “What matters is to say that there are very concrete solutions. I am a Member of the European Parliament, I am general rapporteur of the budget and I know that we could put three hundred billion each year for the climate.”

The Nouvelle Donne list in fact places emphasis on ecology, proposing for example to create a European climate bank. She also defends European “social optimization”, which would consist of “taking what works best in each country in social matters and making it the European rule”. Pierre Larrouturou is finally a fervent defender of the four-day, 32-hour week without loss of income.

“If we take the best in Marie Toussaint’s project and the best in our project, we could have a great project and run a great campaign,” says the former socialist, who briefly joined EELV between 2009 and 2011. Pierre Larrouturou “reaches out” to the head of the list of environmentalists: “I hope to see her in the coming days. I think that our projects are completely compatible and that it would look good.”