Whether he is sentenced to the maximum sentence or not, during the trial of his escape from Réau prison in 2018, Rédoine Faïd knows, he will not be able to be released before at least September… 2046.

The time of the verdict has arrived for Rédoine Faïd. This Wednesday, October 25, 2023, at the end of seven weeks of trial relating to his extraordinary escape, which saw the famous robber being exfiltrated by helicopter on July 1, 2018 from Réau prison, based in Seine-et-Marne, the court must deliver its verdict this Wednesday “from 5 p.m.”. However, it has not yet been announced. As a reminder, the prosecution requested 22 years of criminal imprisonment against the man nicknamed the “king of beauty”, Rédoine Faïd being a repeat offender.

However, whether he is sentenced or not this Wednesday, Rédoine Faïd will not be released before September… 2046! Now aged 51, this would mean that whatever happens, he will not be able to leave prison before he is 74. A calculation which should not help Rédoine Faïd to cure her unquenchable desire for freedom. So, unless he attempts another escape, the robber will have to wait or count on possible sentence adjustments due to poorer health in the years to come. It is also possible that the robber may never regain freedom and die behind bars.

Alongside Rédoine Faïd during this trial, no less than 11 co-defendants were also tried. Among them, two of his brothers: Rachid, 65 years old, 18 years in prison required. He admitted to having been on board the helicopter and to having sawed the bars of the visiting room where Rédoine Faïd was during the escape. On the other hand, acquittal was requested for his brother Brahim, 63, who claimed to have just been in the visiting room at the wrong time with his brother and to have been informed of nothing else. The same goes for the “landlady”, Alima A. who found herself accommodating the robber and his accomplices during their run. The prosecution considered that she had “also been taken hostage”. Three nephews of Rédoine Faïd are also accused. Sentences of 4, 10 and 15 years in prison were requested, one of them having been on board the helicopter.