A Star Academy candidate sought to understand her assessment score this week. In the director’s office, Michaël Goldman told her that she did not understand what she was accused of.

During the first week of competition, the emotions of the Star Academy candidates are put to the test. The 13 academicians participated in their first evaluation on the theme of personal stories. This Wednesday, November 8, we discovered the three candidates who were at risk of elimination on Saturday, November 11: Louis, Djebril and Margot.

The latter did not understand the reasons for her appointment. Worse, she said she was “angry” in the daily newspaper of November 9, 2023. In order to obtain explanations, as for the rest of the students named, Margot spoke with the director of the castle, Michael Goldman. During their interview, the young woman felt that it was her personal story, perhaps not tragic enough, that had not moved the teachers.

But Michael Goldman quickly corrected him: “You are wrong, because this evaluation is not a competition of suffering,” he told him, before explaining the reasons for his nomination: “You were a a little below the others but really on emotion. On what you sent us, I remember Cécile [Chaduteau, the stage expression teacher, editor’s note] said ‘she’s a little too inside’. herself, her eyes in the air. We didn’t have the impression that you were with us.

The director of the Star Academy then gave further explanations on the reasons for his appointment. Michael Goldman thus admitted to not knowing the song she had performed, and that her diction did not help him understand the text. And what’s more, the emotion wasn’t there during Margot’s assessment: “We were left a little unsatisfied at the end, we weren’t upset.”

However, Michael Goldman wanted to reassure the academic: “It was a bad strategy in choosing the song, no story to tell.” The director then told him about the various compliments from the teachers during his evaluation, which was not fundamentally failed: “Everyone noted your grain which we all like, everyone said ‘what that she dances well’. You’re a musician, that shouldn’t call into question what you’re worth artistically.”

This explanation had the effect of reassuring the candidate: “I hear these explanations, I understand them, and there is something powerful happening that makes me want to smash everything. I am re-boosted, I am determined.” If Margot is not eliminated this week, all of these elements should help her progress in the coming weeks.