The weather forecast for the next three weeks is here: here’s when the rain will stop, when it’ll get a lot colder, and what December will look like.

As autumn progresses, a question arises insistently in the minds of the French: when will these endless rains stop for good? After a particularly wet period, marked by recurring precipitation, the weather finally gives us a glimpse of what the end of the year will be like. Here is the forecast for the coming weeks, based on the latest weather data.

We begin the week of November 20 with the first fall cold snap. Weather conditions are expected to be changeable, with a mix of rain and snow in the mountains at the start of the week. However, a notable development is expected: from Wednesday, the torrential rains should stop and drier weather should set in, accompanied by a drop in temperatures, a sign of the first real cold of the season. Daytime temperatures, struggling to exceed 5 to 10°C in the majority of regions, will be reminiscent of those of December.

The last week of November will be marked by a significant change. An anticyclone, probably positioning itself over the country, will lead to a reduction in the supply of cold air from Central Europe. As a result, the weather will become drier, but with a downside: persistent fogs and gray afternoons, particularly in the east and north of the country. On the other hand, the south and mountainous regions will benefit from mild and sunny weather.

The first week of December indicates a change in weather pattern. A more pronounced ocean flow will bring a return of rain, particularly in the north, while the anticyclone will maintain drier and sunny conditions in the south.

The end of November therefore promises a gradual drying, potentially marking the end of continuous precipitation. However, this trend towards drier weather does not mean a definitive end to the rains for the year. The first days of December will likely see a return of precipitation in some areas. In terms of temperatures, apart from the cold snap next week, they should remain above seasonal norms, except in areas affected by persistent gray weather. Finally, know that weather forecasts, although becoming more and more precise, remain a science of anticipation, and variations are always possible.