The amount of the registration document will be increased in several regions of France on January 1, 2024, one of them will be particularly affected.

Prices of cars, fuel, spare parts, labor, insurance contracts… Never has owning a car been as expensive as it is today. And it’s not over ! The registration document will also see its prices increase from January 1, 2024. The registration certificate, also called registration certificate, is used in particular to identify a vehicle using essential information such as its registration number, its serial number ( chassis number), its make, its model, its fiscal power etc.

Its price is generally between 200 and 300 euros. The cost of the registration card is made up of four taxes including a regional tax set each year by the regional councils. Certain regions have therefore decided to increase the amount of this regional tax in 2024. And not just a little. In Île-de-France, Les Échos tells us that the price of the tax horse will increase by 19%, from 46.15 to 54.95 euros from next month. But there will be worse elsewhere. It is in Normandy that the pain will be the most painful. In the departments of Orne, Eure, Calvados, Manche and Seine-Maritime, the regional registration tax will jump by 30%! If its price was relatively low until then compared to other regions of France (35 euros), it will be 46 euros in 2024, or 11 euros more to be added to the total cost of the registration certificate.

The limit of this tax being set at 60 euros, the regions, which most often justify these increases by spending to improve transport, will soon no longer have any leverage to activate. Today it is in Brittany, with an amount of 55 euros, that the regional tax is the highest. Still according to the website of the economic daily, the Centre-Val de Loire region will also increase its tax, to the tune of 10.4%. In 2023, the Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Pays de la Loire, Hauts-de-France, Occitanie and Brittany regions had increased their tax, but within a range of 1.50 to 4 euros.

And there is no question of depriving yourself of a registration document to counter this increase! In France, the law requires you to have a registration document to drive a motor vehicle. Not being able to present your registration certification during a police check is considered an offense which gives rise to a fixed fine. From an amount of 11 euros, it increases to 135 euros if the offender is not able to present it to a police station or gendarmerie within five days. Also note that it is important to update the information on a registration card in the event of a change of owner, moving, modification of the vehicle, etc. The procedure for obtaining or updating a registration document is managed by the National Agency for Secured Titles (ANTS).