Job seekers will soon find it easier to see key information they are looking for before applying.

France has 3 million unemployed people. And yet. Companies say they have never had so much difficulty recruiting. Difficulties in hiring staff are legion in many areas. The relationship with work has changed and, from now on, the trend is towards the employer having to bend over.

Working time, conditions, teleworking and, above all, salary… So many elements which are taken into account by people looking for a job. However, it often happens that an offer, interesting at first glance for the future employee, is ultimately not in line with their expectations after having had a first interview. But it’s almost over.

Job offers will change in the coming months. From now on, everyone will have to display, from the start, the proposed salary or, at a minimum, a salary range. No more mentions “According to profile” in the financial part of the ad. On Pôle emploi, Indeed, Welcome to the jungle or any other platform publishing job offers, a minimum indication concerning the salary must be provided. In France, all ads must include this element no later than June 7, 2026, in accordance with the request of the European Union, which implemented this change.

As of September 5, 2023, only 20% of offers published on Indeed mentioned salary, according to figures indicated by Matthieu Eloy, general director of the platform. According to him, this measure only has advantages. “Transparency strengthens trust between companies and their employees, promotes talent retention, reduces turnover and guarantees workers that their salary is the same as that of their colleagues in an equivalent position, regardless of age, ‘a disability or something like that,’ he wrote.

However, some HR and management specialists take a dim view of this measure. According to them, salaries are hidden to avoid misunderstandings and internal conflicts, with employees working in the same position and whose remuneration would be lower. A discrepancy which is explained by a difference between the offer proposed and the details of the job description, specify certain HR personnel. A reflection which puts the question of transparency in business back at the center of the game. But the disclosure of salary is prohibited, protected by privacy and constitutional law.