A man armed with a knife threatened the Jewish director of a daycare in Champigny-sur-Marne on December 12. An investigation was opened and the suspect is still at large.

A new anti-Semitic act targeted a daycare center. Tuesday, December 12, a man entered the “Les Minis Kids” crèche located in the town of Champigny-sur-Marne (Val-de-Marne) and which welcomes children of the Jewish faith. But it was the director of the establishment that the individual attacked by entering her office armed with a 15 cm long knife, according to details from the Créteil public prosecutor’s office.

Facing her, the man allegedly uttered threats and anti-Semitic insults referring to the violence observed in the Gaza Strip: “You’re a Jew, you’re a Zionist, five of us are going to come and rape you, cut you up like they did in Gaza.” After these threats, the man took over without physically attacking the director of the crèche, nor the children present at the time of the incident. The little residents of the crèche did not witness the scene, the prosecution said.

An investigation was opened for “death threats based on race, ethnicity, nation or religion”, “threats of crime against people based on race, ethnicity, nation or religion” and “violence followed by incapacity not exceeding 8 days.” The prosecution also retained three aggravating circumstances: the fact that the threats targeted a person responsible for a public service mission, that they were made near an educational establishment and because of race, the ethnicity, nation or religion. The Val-de-Marne departmental judicial police service is in charge of the investigations. The author of the threats is still actively sought this Thursday, December 14.