In charge of the Young Republicans since 2021, Guilhem Carayon announces that he is seeking an eligible place on the LR list with a view to the European elections of June 9, 2024.

Six months before the European elections (June 9, 2024), young people from political parties are positioning themselves. Like the president of the Young Republicans, Guilhem Carayon, who is seeking an eligible place on the LR list. In an interview with Le Figaro, Wednesday December 27, he declared that he wanted to get involved in the campaign “to defend the interests of the French”. “I want to bring the voice of a popular right to Brussels,” he assures.

If the Republicans have not yet officially decided on their head of list, the name of François-Xavier Bellamy comes up repeatedly. And the one who has been in charge of the Young Republicans since 2021 sees himself being at his side in Brussels. “Many French people will discover François-Xavier Bellamy, the rectitude of his character, his depth of mind, his tireless work and his exceptional record in the European Parliament. I would be very happy to campaign alongside him,” confides he.

After the adoption of the immigration law, considered a victory by LR, the party wants to believe that this will create a dynamic among voters to return to electoral scores at the level of the great years of this political family. “We are going to create a surprise with the strength and seriousness of our project. A Europe which finally serves our interests, which protects us from migratory chaos, which no longer undermines the purchasing power of the French,” he believes. .

And Guilhem Carayon hopes to participate in the revival of the party. Proof of the confidence placed in the president of the Young Republicans within the party, he was appointed by Éric Ciotti, vice-president and new spokesperson for LR at the start of 2023. A rise to prominence which comes after the party’s debacle in the presidential elections and the disappointment of the legislative elections. He had failed to get elected in the Lot.

A slight hiccup came to hinder his meteoric rise. The front page of the monthly L’Incorrect, “the most incorrect conservative monthly in France”, where the Tarnais appeared with his counterparts from the Rassemblement National and Reconquête!, Pierre-Romain Thionnet and Stanislas Rigault. With the title “Young people cut the cord” (in reference to the “sanitary cordon”, a political practice aimed at excluding far-right parties from any political majority). A presence that divided within the LR. But Éric Ciotti came to his aid as if to anoint the law student who is establishing himself as one of the new faces of the right in a party in reconstruction.