The working-class electorate plans to vote massively for the National Rally list in the European elections, according to a poll.

More than one in two workers who will go to the polls on June 9 have planned to cast a ballot for Jordan Bardella’s list. Historical electorate of the left and the extreme left, the working class swings from election to election for the benefit of the National Rally. The 2024 European elections seem set to confirm this trend in a particularly marked way: according to the Ipsos barometer from April, 55% of worker voters planned to support the RN.

No socio-professional category displays such a clear trend for these elections. The left-wing parties, for their part, divide up the crumbs: 8% of workers will vote for the list of La France insoumise led by Manon Aubry, 6% prefer that of the ecologist Marie Toussaint, 6% also cite that of Raphaël Glucksmann (Public Square/Socialist Party), and 1% that of the communist Léon Deffontaines.

Some workers also intend to vote for other right and center lists: 5% for Macronist Valérie Hayer, 5% for Marion Maréchal (Reconquest) and 2% for François-Xavier Bellamy (LR). Finally, 12% say they want to support one of the small lists that have almost no chance of obtaining European deputies, like those of Lutte Ouvrière and the New Anticapitalist Party.

Note, however, that the first trend among the worker electorate this June 9 will most certainly be abstention: only 37% of workers say they are sure to vote in these European elections, compared to 45% of the entire population surveyed. This makes them the least mobilized socio-professional category, on par with employees.