The shadow of a reshuffle hangs over the government of Élisabeth Borne who could herself be dismissed in the hours or days to come. Gabriel Attal and Bruno Le Maire are the favorites, in the hearts of the French, to replace her at Matignon.

In recent days, rumors about an imminent reshuffle have only grown. It could take place in the coming days, or even the next few hours. According to the latest wave of the Odoxa-Backbone Consulting survey for Le Figaro, one thing is certain: two thirds of French people (66%) want Élisabeth Borne to leave. An unprecedented score, according to Le Figaro, which explains that “the country has never been so unanimous”. The Prime Minister would even position herself at one of the worst levels recorded by the barometer. Only Manuel Valls had obtained a lower score, over the last ten years, with 24% favorable opinions, in May 2016. The demand for a change of prime minister therefore seems to be unanimous among the French who are, however, less than agreement on the person who should succeed Élisabeth Borne.

Two favorites nevertheless stand out from the crowd. Gabriel Attal is in the lead (36%), after his first quarter as Minister of Education. The number two in the government and Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, is close behind him (31%). A little further in third place, we find the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin (26%), then far behind, the President of the National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet takes fourth place (11%). Gabriel Attal and Bruno Le Maire are the only two ministers that the majority of French people surveyed would not like to see leave during the very next reshuffle. The popularity of the Minister of Education is growing, as confirmed by the Elabe survey which places him at the top of the ranking of the French’s favorite political figures. In this latest survey, he gained another point and obtained 39% positive opinions.