While Anthony and Anouchka Delon are torn apart over their father’s health, their brother Alain-Fabien spoke out for the first time on Instagram to post a private recording.

In the affair which is tearing the Delon clan apart, Alain-Fabien was the only one to have kept silent. Until now. The youngest child of the family, Alain Delon’s last child, wanted to react on Instagram to the open war between his eldest children, Anthony and Anouchka Delon. While the latter was on the set of TF1 to affirm that their father is “devastated to see his intimate life being thrown out in front of everyone like that”, her younger brother shared a recording of his sister, taken without her knowledge during a family dinner “Friday evening at 9:30 p.m.”.

While Alain-Fabien Delon claims to have gone out leaving his phone on the table, we can hear what appears to be Anouchka Delon saying, supposedly to their father: “They are burying me and you, we are to take you for an idiot. You must be especially wary […]The trap will close on you.” In comments, Alain Delon’s third child wonders: “Why do you want to throw these words and this venom at him before sleeping, put all this negativity in his head?”

Commenting on his Instagram post, Alain-Fabien Delon draws up an alarming observation about the state of health of the 88-year-old actor: “Dad is very weakened […] Dad is very anxious. […] Dad has no voice anymore and speaks with great difficulty. […]Dad is not always coherent. […]Dad and suggestible in his state […]Dad doesn’t know when it is in the morning or in the evening”, punctuating each of his statements with a “it’s a fact, we all know it”.

Since Wednesday January 3, the Delon family has been tearing itself apart through media interventions and press releases. It all started with an interview with the eldest, Anthony Delon, with Paris-Match. The actor revealed that he had filed a complaint against his half-sister Anouchka last November. He accuses her of not having kept him informed of their father’s cognitive “cognitive degradation” and accuses her of having “put him in danger”, by being “indirectly complicit in all the abuse and violence of which he been the victim.

The next day, Anouchka Delon responded by filing a complaint against her brother for defamation, slanderous denunciation, threats and harassment. Alain Delon also made it known through his lawyer that he also intends to file a complaint against his eldest for defamation, saying he cannot “bear the aggressiveness of his son Anthony who keeps telling him that he is senile” .

In reaction, Anthony Delon assured Friday that he was fighting for his father at the microphone of BFM TV, “not for a question of money or inheritance”, ensuring that the actor’s succession had already been decided. “I am fighting so that his wishes are respected,” he explains before asserting that his father assured him that he wanted to die in Douchy, but that his sister, whom he accuses of having “a hold” on his father, would like to “take him to Switzerland” for tax reasons.

For her part, Anouchka Delon spoke publicly at the microphone of TF1 this Sunday, January 8: “I am my father’s daughter, I am not the daughter of a wallet. It’s not a question of money “. She says she wants their father to be transferred to Switzerland “so that he can be treated” medically.