WhatsApp has added new features to improve the security of your most sensitive messages. Learn about the secret codes within the app and how to use them.

Secret codes added to WhatsApp to protect your most secret conversations. This is Meta’s new promise within their most famous chat app. The company unveiled this new feature on its official blog a few weeks ago: it becomes possible to hide your discussions behind a previously created password.

How does this work in practice? Go to one of your WhatsApp conversations that you want to hide from those around you. By clicking on the photo of your interlocutor, you will find the “chat lock” option. Until now, the latter required a fingerprint to be unlocked. It is now possible to use a secret code or facial recognition to hide the discussion in question!

Once the chat lock is activated, you will need to show your face or enter the secret code you created to be able to access it. The latter can be composed of letters, numbers, special characters and even emojis! We obviously advise you to use sufficiently sophisticated codes so that they cannot be guessed.

This option offers very good protection to your WhatsApp conversations. If someone manages to get their hands on your phone, it will be impossible for them to access your locked conversations unless they have the code you have established beforehand. This guarantees you additional protection regarding your most private discussions!

A few months ago, WhatsApp already unveiled a protection option for your conversations with Chat Lock. This option, available for several updates, already allows you to lock your chats behind a fingerprint. An even more secure option that can already be used within the application.