LFI MP Adrien Quatennens presented his wishes and signed his media return to Lille, Thursday December 18.

La France Insoumise MP Adrien Quatennens sent his wishes for the new year to his northern constituency on Thursday January 18. At the same time, he also marks his media return. This was his first official public appearance since his four-month suspended prison sentence for domestic violence against his wife, in December 2022. “Last year, special and painful circumstances deprived me of this moment singular with you. I have come a long way, I won’t hide it from you, but I am here” he declared at the start of his speech.

This affair had also earned the 33-year-old elected official an exclusion from his parliamentary group for four months, until April 2023. Although contested, his reinstatement had been validated after participation in an awareness training course on sexist violence and sexual relations with a women’s association. “Time has passed (…) and I think that now, like everyone else, I have the right to move forward” explained Adrien Quatennens to the France 3 Hauts-de-France television news, this Thursday, January 18.

“Recognizing one’s wrongs is a strength, not a weakness. I may have made mistakes in my life, which I regret, I recognized them, I understood, I paid, I worked, I the right now to continue moving forward,” he insisted at the end of his speech, perhaps feeling the wind of criticism and protest coming. A ceremony of wishes to which the feminist collective NousToutes Lille was fiercely opposed, as indicated in a press release. The collective considers his role as deputy “incompatible” with a conviction and concedes that the rehabilitation of the LFI deputy maintains the impunity of the attackers in France.