Purchasing power, insecurity and immigration have risen in the list of priorities in just a few years, while purely economic issues interest the French less.

Every year at the end, Harris Interactive conducts a survey on the political priorities of the French. In 2023, 77% of respondents cited purchasing power, making it the population’s No. 1 priority, ahead of the fight against terrorism and insecurity. Immigration comes in 4th position. But these priorities are far from stable and their order has quickly varied in a few years, depending on circumstances and political agendas, notes an article from the Jean Jaurès Foundation.

Let’s take purchasing power. In 2020, it came in 4th place among the French’s priorities. Since 2021 and the surge in inflation, it has been at the top of the list. The subject of immigration has also recently become more of a concern. Again in 2022, it was the 7th priority of the French. Now, immigration is in 4th place.

This sudden keen interest actually corresponds to the omnipresence of the subject in public debate, due to the immigration bill passed at the end of the year: between 2022 and 2023, the share of respondents who cite immigration as being a priority policy went from 45% to 55%.

Conversely, issues like economic growth and unemployment are falling, as the French economy recovers and employment figures improve. The energy transition in turn plummets in the space of a year: 6th priority for the French in 2022, it is demoted to 9th place in 2023.