According to the latest study by Public Health France published this Tuesday, January 23, alcohol consumption is much more marked in certain regions, with a significant proportion of residents in excess.

For decades, the weekly and daily consumption of alcohol by the French has been decreasing according to the latest Public Health France survey, published this Tuesday, January 23, 2024 and covering 2021. The share of weekly consumers, which was 62.6 % in 2000 was only 39% in 2021. The proportion of adults consuming alcohol every day increased from 21.5% in 2000 to 8% in 2021.

On the other hand, it is rather the phenomenon of significant occasional alcohol consumption (API) which is worrying. In other words, the consumption of at least 6 glasses of alcohol on a single occasion. Also called “binge drinking”, which creates excessive intoxication, this phenomenon is now “well established in France” according to Raphaël Andler, co-author of the study. People in some areas are too often drunk, or more precisely, too many people drink occasionally to excess, and this is very marked in some areas.

On this subject, the study highlights strong regional disparities. “Alcohol consumption indicators above average in Brittany and Pays de la Loire” are observed. In fact, 21.6% of Bretons aged 18-75 declare that they have APIs every month. In other words, being excessively drunk at least once a month. The Pays de la Loire department reaches 22.6% for the same age group, every month. While the national average was 16.5%, still in 2021.

The statistics are confirmed when we look at men. Brittany (30.7%) and Pays de la Loire (35.6%) are clearly above the other departments and the national average in terms of API each month. As for women, Guyana is the French territory in which alcohol consumers have the most API per month. 13.4%, when the national average stands at 8.6%.

Remember that the recommendations of the Ministry of Health are as follows: do not consume more than ten standard glasses per week; do not consume more than two glasses per day; have days without consumption in a week. APIs are therefore behaviors to be avoided, they are of the order of excess which can accelerate health problems.

The Public Health France survey also highlights the daily alcohol consumption of the French. Here, head south to find the most regular consumers. Also in 2021, among 18-75 year olds, alcohol consumption was more frequent in Occitanie (11% of the region’s inhabitants report drinking alcohol daily) and in Nouvelle-Aquitaine (10.2%).

The trend is confirmed among men but becomes much more marked among women. In Occitania, 5.6% of women say they drink alcohol every day. In New Aquitaine, which still comes in second position in this ranking, they are 5.4%. These are the only two regions which have a percentage greater than 5%. The national average is 3.8%. Conversely, women’s daily alcohol consumption was rarer in the overseas departments and regions. As a reminder, alcohol consumption is responsible for around 49,000 deaths each year (Ministry of Health) in France and is one of the leading risk factors for premature death. Currently, the country does not have a specific national plan to combat alcohol consumption.