The good weather has still not set in. Meteorologists predict a lasting return of sunshine, but you have to be patient.

Tired of storms and gray skies? However, we will still have to wait to enjoy the sun. The last days of May will be like the last three weeks and finally this spring of 2024. For these next few days, the news is not really encouraging, the sky still largely veiled over three quarters of the country should clear, but only for one or two days. 

This weekend could resemble that of Ascension, announces La Chaîne Météo, the sun should therefore come out thanks to a return of the anticyclone which unfortunately risks weakening very quickly and moving back towards the Mediterranean as soon as the day of Sunday.

Saturday and Sunday, in the northwest quarter, the weather should be calm, while the eastern departments will still be affected by the depression which seems to be rising. Residents of part of the north and Alsace could face new bad weather. In the south, the sky should be mostly blue and the heat will return. Temperatures are expected to approach seasonal norms across the country, but humidity is likely to persist. 

The deterioration will increase from Monday and continue for the rest of the week, with new storms and bad weather across the four corners of the country.

After that ? The month of June could well be cut in two according to La Chaîne Météo, which according to its 4-week trends, does not notice any improvement until at least June 10. At the start of the month, “the instability of the weather would be a little less marked than the previous week, with more generous clearings and more lasting dry periods”, explain the meteorologists. But this should, once again, not last.

The forecast envisages for the rest of this first half of June a drop in temperatures below seasonal norms due to the humidity and stormy weather present in the northern three-quarters of France. Improvement could well arrive in the second half of June, with the return of drier and sunny weather and a rise in temperatures of 1 to 2°C above seasonal norms. It is therefore only on this date, in mid-June, that the sunny days should really set in.

Caution remains in order a few weeks before the start of summer. The last few weeks have clearly shown that good weather is often short-lived. What is certain is that the month of May is currently particularly gloomy, like this spring of 2024, already considered the rainiest in the last 15 years.