A payment crowned with a historic revaluation will appear in bank accounts within a few days.

Good financial news is rare at the start of the year. It is therefore important to highlight and remember them. While the rise in energy prices will deal a new blow to the wallets of the French, 17 million of them will receive a larger transfer than usual within a few days. A boost which, if not really replenishing the bank account, will make it possible to compensate (in part?) the increase in many bills.

From Friday February 9, 2024, a new credit line will appear in your bank account. For beneficiaries, this will be the usual payment of the retirement pension paid by the National Old Age Insurance Fund (CNAV). But your eye should be caught by the amount displayed: it will be higher than during the last transfer, received at the beginning of January.

It is in fact on the occasion of this payment that the 5.3% increase announced by the government will be effective. This increase has been in effect since January 1 but it could not apply during the last payment because the pension is paid in relation to the previous month and not the following month. At the beginning of January, you received the payment for the month of December. In February, this will be the payment for the month of January. Hence the application of the increase.

According to calculations carried out by Linternaute, this increase in basic pensions should allow retirees to earn, on average, around €40 more per month. The current average amount being around €720, this should increase to €760. However, it is impossible to make generalizations as the calculation of retirement is individual, linked to the career of any former worker (duration, remuneration, etc.).

This increase is historic. 5.3% in one go, this has not happened since the revaluation of July 1, 1982. At the time, basic pensions had been increased by 7.40%. However, it is because of the method of calculating the increase that such rates are rare. In fact, the amount of basic pensions only changes according to inflation recorded in previous months.

Beyond the general scheme, other retirement pensions increased on January 1. The increases will also be seen at the beginning of February. These include, in particular, retirees affiliated to the Mutualité sociale agricole (MSA), various public sector funds (Ircantec, SRE, CNRACL, RAFP) and special schemes (RCI, CNIEG, CPRP SNCF/RATP, CRPN, CRPCEN…). Here too, the increase will mainly be around 5.3%.