The diaper sensor Deal with Carsten Maschmeyer is off – because the necessary to Patent has been lacking. Now the “lion” tells the reader how the founders try to trick you often.

again it turns out that a Deal in “the cave of The lion”, the sound during the broadcast is still so full of promise, had suddenly come into existence. Many Fans of the popular founder Show puzzles then: What is it? Have done the “lions” in the Show just as if you were interested in? Or you run out of money?

“Curaluna”Deal in the first burst: Why do so many founders at the end of empty?

But the investor Carsten Maschmeyer can calm down in Interviews. the out and about as soon As the cameras, it’s a dizzying balancing act, to bring all interests under one hat . Sometimes the founders themselves, who then decide differently and want to try it on your own – without the help of investors. This is what happened with “Design Bubbles”.

The founder Katharina Baumann was celebrated for its Pitch to the “lions” is a frenetically – at the end of Dagmar Wöhrl, secured the Deal. the only a short time later bursts of this – because the founder wanted to build your Startup without the (financial) support . However, compared with start-up scene, Baumann is not that there is a possible financing for you is still on the table. For Dagmar Wöhrl, it was the already – they made it clear to the founders of the magazine, that Investment will not take place.

Carsten Maschmeyer, may sing of such unpleasant incidents is a song: In an Interview with the founder scene, he has now granted a look behind the Scenes and on many a founder complained. “It is, unfortunately, fibbing once in a while,” said the Investor.

False promises and even debt: Carsten Maschmeyer from “the cave of The lion” packs about the founder

So he reported, that the Young-would have to present entrepreneurs partially proud for 90 minutes in front of the “lion” in the Show, however, would then be shown later in the broadcast, just a few minutes as the neck. The shooting was mostly against 21.30 o’clock, then went together to a Restaurant, to a casual more Details to discuss.

And there were surprised Maschmeyer & co. already evil: “ Often founders have a reluctance to call their really margin on the television. Or is it that the promised patents are utility model. There was also the founder, have not mentioned debt ,” explains Maschmeyer. Phew, whether he alludes there to the diaper sensor “Curaluna”?

interesting : “the cave of The lion”: Wherefore, Masch Meyer’s diaper sensor is burst-Deal.

have put out not only the lies, but also the founders themselves, sometimes as the cheating is, the Investor. “We have seen that the founder practiced your Pitch, such as in a Theater-AG and in the TV have shown. But on ordinary investors-questions they had afterwards no answers.” Since the “lion had to pull” at the end of the time now ripcord: “ In this very specific case, the founders were simply unteachable. Since we invested no more money and no more energy put into it, ” he concludes.

also read : “the cave of The lion”: is this All fake? These founders have to steal your ideas.

“the cave of The lion”: a New Deal for Vox – invested Carsten Maschmeyer around in the nose ring?

Also interesting: A young entrepreneur from Mannheim trust in the “the cave of The lion” on VOX. There Andreas Widmann presents a project that could change advertising forever, as* reported.

jp / glomex

the twelve most successful Deals, from “the cave of The lion”