Berlin (dpa) – The FDP accuses Finance Minister Olaf Scholz (SPD) trickery in the Federal budget. “The now proclaimed Surplus in 2018 is not needed tax money from the citizens,” said the budget policy spokesman of the FDP parliamentary group, Otto Fricke, the German press Agency.

“That Scholz can spend this in 2019 at all, he owes his Trick with the shadow budget of the Asylum.” This was not foreseen in the budget law.

According to the Federal Ministry of Finance, the Federal budget has made in the past year, according to preliminary Figures, a Surplus of 11.2 billion euros. The money will again flow into the reserve to cope with the refugee influx. For the next few years, the money for the implementation of the coalition agreement of CDU, CSU and SPD agreed actions is provided.

“The shadow budget of the Asylum reserve now includes approximately 35 billion euros, 10 percent of the Federal budget, the Scholz has, in addition to the free use of it,” said Fricke. “With this Wahlkampfetat he can cross, be aware of the limits of the debt brake and the additional choice of gifts to Fund.” The debt brake stipulates that the Federal government is allowed to record only within narrow limits, loans, in the amount of 0.35 percent of gross domestic product.

the coalition agreement