Since the summer, a stranger terrorizes a village in Bavaria. The inhabitants lived in fear. It is now clear who is behind the deeds.

Update 16. January 2019: you cut down the trees, and distributed horse apples in the village: A series of destruction of the population in the upper Franconian Zapfendorf unsettled. The investigators employed since the summer of 2017 with the vandalism series. It is now clear who is behind it.

added to have Three girls aged 13, 14 and 15 years, to be a vandalism-series in the upper Franconian pin village (district Bamberg). Before Christmas they brought in the night to Christmas eve, the Christmas tree in front of the local Church – and out of sheer boredom.

residents lived in fear: Three girls for vandalism-series

The police now checks for two of the girls, how old were you at the time and whether you can be criminally prosecuted. The 13-Year-old is not according to German law the age of criminal responsibility. The series had employed the investigators, since the summer of 2017 and in the population, a lot of attention and uncertainty.

Comprehensive forensics brought the police to track down the three girls. They come according to the investigators from the country of Bamberg, Lichtenfels and committed circles, the actions of each of the two of us in a different occupation. As a motive, the girl called pure boredom. As the police informs, one of the Parties, “that you wanted are cutting down at a Christmas tree”.

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in Addition, will now be examined whether the girls come for deeds in question. Overall, the Trio caused a damage of more than 5000 Euro.

Dramatically male police officers threatened with a knife and then shot

fake bombs found: a 35-year-old suspect

The police also referred to three fake bombs, the were found last year in Bamberg and Zapfendorf. The officials have a 35-Year-olds as suspects in the visor, which is now housed in the closed Department of a psychiatric clinic. The investigation continued, it said.


Update vom 26. October: The residents of pin’s village have a fear of the Unknown

The Unknown, of the municipality of pin is terrorizing a village in upper Franconia, makes the inhabitants fear, such as RTL Next reported, in a Video. “I have children, and if the running around in the evening outside, I’m already in a panic,” says, for example, a woman who lives in zapfendorf. “If I’m in the evening for a walk with my dog, then I make sure I’m home on time. When it gets dark, then I’m afraid,“ says another inhabitant of the incidents.

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even Though the police between the two found bomb dummies has been able to confirm any connection, is the mayor of Zapfendorf sure that it must be one and the same perpetrator. “Because it is happening here in zapfendorf, I believe that it will meet the community,” he says in an Interview with RTL Next. He had in the meantime already set a reward on relevant information.

Unknown terrorized a whole village: Even the ICE-route to Munich has to be closed

Zapfendorf – pin village is actually located in a cozy little community in the heart of Franconia, on the outskirts of the Franconian Switzerland. A total of 5,000 people in the place on the Northern edge of the County of Bamberg. But in the last few weeks that people are concerned, because an Unknown alone in the forest and disturbs the public peace in some cases considerably.

found Again fake bomb: railway traffic to a halt

On Tuesday afternoon, a passerby discovered a suspicious pipe right next to the path of the ICE line Munich-tracks-Berlin. They informed the police, who could not identify the object is also impeccable, and spacious the area is blocked. The rail was laid this lame, residents of the adjacent building had to be evacuated, special forces of the special Technical group of the LKA in Munich moved in. Only after about three hours, the experts were able to give the all-clear – it was a dummy.

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A similar story is that about six weeks previously, under a bridge of highway 73 in Zapfendorf. An Unknown had taken a package with Arabic characters and suspicious cables. For about six hours, the motorway had to be closed and residents had to take detours to your home in purchase, fortunately, here too there is no real danger.

indoor pool, outdoor pool blocked, trees cut down

These two cases are, according to the news Agency, News5, however, is only the tip of the iceberg that caused shaking at the municipal administration on Wednesday for goose-bumps and head. Because for months, the same perpetrators of bullying seems to be on the site.

Zapfendorf: Unknown offender saws off trees