Bad salary, Overtime, health hazards: Whether we perceive a Job as ungrateful, depends on various things. Some professions, but particularly bad.

everyone is with his Job, always satisfied. However, in Germany there are occupations that people feel basically as ungrateful.

a study has questioned the comparison portal in November 2018, approximately 600 persons on this topic, and around 8,800 salary data from experts and managers analyzed.

What are the professions in this country are appreciated too little?

participants came out For most of the study, a whopping 91 percent, belongs to the Job of nurse to the ungrateful most Professions in the Federal Republic of Germany. This includes staff in the care of the elderly, as well as nurses.

second place> package (49 per cent), closely followed by educators (48 per cent), landing in third place to secure


care workers

91 %


49 %

awareness of

48 %

garbage man/woman

43 %


38 %


27 %


Also interesting: Surprisingly, This is the most stressful Job in the world.

What makes a thankless profession?

But what actually is the “ungrateful”? The majority of respondents (87 percent) feel that a profession, especially as ungrateful, if he is paid bad . The salary is too low, the staff is simply not recognized.

a high health risk according to 68 percent of the study participants, employees struggle with their profession. Any quantity of Overtime (46 percent), a high physical stress (39 percent), as well as a bad Image (29 percent) also help ensure that the well-being suffers in the Job.

also read: : The most poorly paid professions.

salary: How much the employees earn in the “thankless Professions”?

annual salary (gross)


annual salary (gross)


the old Keeper-

30.072 €

31.277 €


37.064 €

38.525 €

awareness of

36.472 €

38.569 €


23.893 €

25.112 €

garbage man/woman

32.360 €

35.769 €

package a messenger/-in

27.934 €

29.655 €

Source: (as of November 2018)

survey: your opinion counts

How many employees think that their Job is ungrateful?

The good news: in fact, feels only about a quarter of the study participants (27 percent) of her Job as ungrateful – more than half (58 percent), however, is satisfied. 16 percent do not know yourself, how your career should be assessed.

also read: content after the training: these are the Top – and Flop-careers.

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the most unpopular professions in Germany – is also?