in 1999, disappeared in the ten-year-old girl Hilal without a trace in Hamburg. 20 years later, the family writes an Open letter is an appeal to the kidnappers.

Hilal Ercan is since 20 years The family doesn’t miss the hope in The police 5000 Euro starts a new call and a reward to The family Ercan has published an Open letter

Update from 28. January 2019: Hilal Ercan is still missing. Since already 20 years, parents waiting for a sign of life of her daughter. On the anniversary of Hilals Disappearance, the family published an Open letter.

Hamburg: Hilal Ercan for 20 years, miss – parents with appeal to kidnappers

The Text shows how it looks like in the world of feeling of the relatives. At the same time, it is clear: the family has not given up hope. And: Hilal as parents are appealing to the kidnappers to register, please finally.

The letter of Hilals parents in the wording:

20 years Ago, an Unknown has been ripped from us, our granddaughter, daughter and sister.

20 years Ago, an Unknown, ended the life of a smiling girl.

20 years Ago, an Unknown plunged us into a deep hole.

We’ve seen in 20 years, no more light. We can’t grieve. We have no grave. We can’t look into the future, because we look at every day.

And because there is always a little bit of hope is there …

Of our Hilal remains to us nothing, not even a place to beautiful to Remember.

The Hamburg police has been with us now for 20 years. The officials have promised us to do everything possible to find Hilal and to find the Unknown.

We are broken in the first few days. We have been able to breathe since the fact never right again. The White Ring has stood by and still does.

Hilal … somewhere alone! We can’t be with her, we are not able to get to us. The Unknown alone knows her hiding place.

The thought of his secret every day our hearts break for 20 years!

In the last two years, the police had new ideas. We were much visited, we were informed of plans.

A memorial plaque was attached to the place we visit to Think about. The place where the Unknown Hilal kidnapped.

We looked up for the first Time in many years. We have seen in the last autumn, many police officers in the search for Hilal in the people’s Park.

we have carefully explained the Work. The police stood by us. We would like to thank the police for their work. The police will never give up.

And we say the Unknown or his friends: could you Please tell us where our little girl is. You are a different person now.

20 years … If you have fear, you say it anonymously. We have no more strength. No one can take it. Please share your secret with us. We just want our little girl back! We want to be allowed to bury Hilal, finally, in the circles of our family.

– The family of Hilal Ercan”

a message of 27. January, 2019: The police in Hamburg is safe, there are people who have observed Merwürdiges or eye-catching. So there are 20 years later, now a new appeal for witnesses in the case of the 1999 disappearance of Hilal. It is exposed to 5,000 Euro reward, as* reported.

Hamburg: Hilal for 20 years, went missing, the police launches a new appeal for witnesses

Before 20 years, the little girl Hilal from Hamburg, disappeared. Now the police launched a new appeal for witnesses. “We are asking potential witnesses who have not reported so far for us, therefore, to put in touch with us,” says the Department head of the criminal investigation Department, Inge Pape.

+ A table of the Hamburg police is seen at a shopping center in the district of Lurup. You should encourage at the place of the disappearance of the 1999 ten-year-old Hilal potential witnesses to submit statements to the police.©picture alliance / dpa

“We continue to believe that there are people who have observed something Strange or Unusual, it may be an important piece of the Puzzle to solving the Case.”

Missing Hilal: € 5,000 reward – the Hamburg police continue to search for Clues

+ police officers are in the search for the body of missing Hilal in the Altonaer Volkspark in Hamburg with shovels and brooms. Some 20 years after the Disappearance of the girl, the police has started a body search.©Bodo Marks / dpa

Turkish girl Hilal was ten years old, as at 27. January 1999 disappeared. Since she went missing. Hilal had brought in that day home a good report card and was allowed to buy sweets in the shopping center “Elbgaupassage”. From there, you are not returned and has since disappeared. 5000 Euro reward for crucial information. The investigators had sought in September 2018 in the Altonaer Volkspark unsuccessfully for any Remains of the child. According to police, a witness had referred to a Location that was already in 2005 as a possible location of the body of the child. A suspect had confessed to have Hilal, and be killed, kidnapped. He recanted, however, his confession.

search for Hilal from Hamburg so far unsuccessfully – girl stays after Disappearance of missing

A whistleblower is, in particular, the focus of the police. He had, therefore, at the 3. February 1999 Hilals family at a Church in Hamburg want to meet. Even after hours of Waiting no one, however, it showed up. May be because of another operation, several police cars with blue lights and siren drove past. The possible Informant could not be determined until today. “We ask him to sit with us,” says Pape.


* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

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