A water damage is always an unpleasant Surprise. In the case of the Gräfelfinger community kindergarten Spatzennest, he could come to a middle disaster. It is still unclear whether a renovation or a new construction is more economical.

Gräfelfing – As the municipal administration in the summer of 2018 for the first time of a water damage in the Kindergarten at the stone Kirchner, street, heard, sound, everything is still quite undramatic. In the field of sanitary systems humidity had been established. The Troubleshooting began. What could know at that time no one: The search continues to this day; the end is not in sight. And promotes new job messages.

First of all, the representative craftsmen were, in the wall behind a sink, a copper pipe had a pin large leak. This results in a at first glance, manageable damage was spread over a longer period of time, the water in homeopathic doses in the wall, as he can theoretically occur in any apartment, regardless of the year.

But when the craftsmen to determine wanted to, how far the wetness was enough, it turned out that the moisture is pulled up in the kitchen, in the hallway and continue to the Western wall. More and more land had to let the congregation leave in order to get the entire damage picture. Under operation, the went only in the evening hours. “We have also studied time and again, the air pollutants; there was said to any time anomalies”, Department head Markus Ramsauer, on request.

Nevertheless, he moved to the Christmas holidays, the emergency brake: The two kindergarten groups to have settled in vacant Hort-rooms at the Adalbert-Stifter-Platz. Since then, the investigation team under the direction of architect Rolf, Our free Hand and comes forward faster. An interim report will deliver Our of the building Committee in the next week. According to reports, it is very likely to be independently occurring cases of damage. In addition to the acute water damage, the pipe leak in the sanitary area, there must be some other way to water in and under the building. In what way and to what extent, can finally still can not say. In the worst case, the damage is so far-reaching that a demolition is necessary.

As one of the causes, not the special construction of this kindergarten is to be excluded in any case. He was born in a Heave-Ho action, in the summer of 2001 and was on 11. September inaugurated by mayor Eberhard Reichert. At that time, the number of children in Gräfelfing and at the same time, the claims of the parents of the child care grew so rapidly that the municipality with the creation of jobs hardly came here. Especially since they had committed to at the time of the Maxim, the court must always be to cover. Especially because of the time constraints built so the sparrows nest without a basement in a finished design with a metal frame. The later, wood-frame structure built of cultivation, which houses a creche, is not affected by the damage.