shock in the Disco! Three women missing at the Party night on the weekend, all memory, now you have raised a bad suspicion.

Two young women have after a Disco visit in Lüneburg, no memories, The two 21-Year-olds have a terrible suspicion Were administered to the women of K. O. drops in the Disco? The police in lower Saxony, determined

Lüneburg – Two young women at the age of 21 years, on Saturday, 27. January, in a Disco in Lüneburg on the road to the Graal wall. But they have no good memories of this evening. To be more precise: you have reported no reminder , such as*. To the police, Lüneburg, you now have a suspect expressed .

Lüneburg in lower Saxony, Germany: K. O.-drops in Disco administered?

The two 21-year-old women suspect that you have administered to you in the Disco in Lüneburg secretly K. O.-drops < / strong>. According to their own figures, they would have a complete movie ripped suffered – to the period of 0.30 to 8 o’clock, you would have no memories. A real Horror-show.

women from Lüneburg with film cracking due to K. O.-drops?

open to The same suspicion for a 23-year-old woman has also indicated to the police Lüneburg. Also, you assume that Unknown to her the day before between 0.45 and 5 PM in a Disco at the scharnhorststraße knock-out drops administered . It was the car, according to police Lüneburg because of dizziness and repeated vomiting with a rescue to the hospital . In this case, can be according to the police, but also the significant alcohol of the 23-Year-old a reason for these symptoms.

Who can be or be a part of the possible culprits can the police of Lüneburg contact phone 04131/8306-2215.

warning-K. O.-drop – police

+ K. O. says drops are colorless and odorless and, therefore, the drink is not out of taste.©picture alliance / dpa

be careful when celebrating in Bars or Nightclubs , because more and more celebration, mixed with a so-called knock-out drops into the glass. The drops taste colour – and odourless and therefore the drink is not out. Ten to twenty minutes, according to the (unconscious) taking the victim of Nausea, dizziness, and sudden drowsiness feel .

sex offenders take advantage of the weakness of their victims to Rob them or rape . The victim wakes up later and can’t remember anything (“film cracking”). You have the suspicion K. O.-drops administered to get, you should go to quickly to a doctor or a hospital . The drop may only be a few hours after the consumption of in the urine or in the blood proven. the Each display helps to identify and protect more victims!

protection from K. O.-drops: These tips should be considered

drinks at the operation order and only take From the Unknown no open drinks are to accept Open drinks unattended, go outside to smoke, for example, a started drink should drink rather than help the staff In case of Nausea, looking for Friends and friends look out for one another, and their drinks are not from the eyes of friends get in serious cases, immediate medical help for the victim and notify the staff

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

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