weather in Bavaria: In the coming days, it is snowing in the Alps again strong. In some places it can be smooth.

In no other state, it was in January as cold as in Bavaria. Überfrierende moisture and snowfall has led Bayern to accidents already. On the weekend it may be snowing in the Alps again. Also, freezing is not expected.

+++ Update +++

Update from the 2. November 2019, 10: 45 a.m.: The German weather service is expecting a lot of snow. Supposed to snow there on Sunday night until Monday morning. In the Alps, in the southern foothills of the Alps and in the Bavarian forest from 15 to 25 cm of new snow are expected, in some cases even 30 cm. Locally, the snow can be storm-like, since they are concentrated in a time window of 12 to 18 hours.

In the Northern foothills of the Alps, in the area of the Swabian Alb and to the upper Palatinate forest, the weather experts expect 5 to 15 cm of new snow. In the rest of Bavaria, the area from 1 to 5 cm are expected. Attention: Due to snow and freezing wet it can be in the whole of the free state of smooth.

For parts of upper Bavaria (regions, Rosenheim, Ingolstadt, Germany, the Chiemgau and Berchtesgadener Land), as well as large parts of the upper Palatinate on Saturday at 12 p.m. an official warning of ice on the road.

The maximum temperatures on Saturday will be at 6 degrees in Swabia. The Sunday will be mainly in the highland frosty. The highest temperatures there should be at sub – main with 4 degrees. On Monday, Bayern are widely expected early values from -2 to -7 degrees.

weather prediction: smoothing hazard on Saturday morning in Bavaria

Update from the 1. February 2019, 12.27 PM: a bit of rain, ice formation and snow in Bavaria, the weather could be the weekend varied, to the Alps, hair dryer add to this also.

such As the German weather service (DWD) informs, directs a vigorous Low with a center over the Bay of Biscay (an inlet of the Atlantic ocean, which stretches along the Northern coast of Spain, and the West coast of France) from the South-West air mild to Bavaria. Especially in higher layers, this is not the case. In the Alps, hair dryer reigns.

roads can be in Bavaria smooth – snowfall in the Alps

on Saturday, there are local risk of Ice, in the Spessart and the Rhön also smoothness by a little snow, so the DWD. On higher Alpine peaks, it can be used with wind gusts to 80 km/h rough – in exposed individual Gale-force winds to 120 km/h are also possible. In Föhntälern it can be gusting to 70 km/h also windy.

in Addition, there may be, in the on Saturday night, slight Frost. To add to this Frost, Wind and snow. Especially in the mountains it can snow, according to the DWD easily. In the night of Sunday the weather service warns of the Alps, however, in front of “likely to be distinctive of new snow amounts of more than 10 centimeters”, in a traffic Jam about 15 centimeters and the within 12 hours.

weather in Bavaria: DWD with a rare warning – Bavaria in January, the coldest state

Update from 30. January 2019, 14.46 at: , Germany pulls a small-scale Low over the North sea, bringing from the South-West the air is cold and moist to Bavaria. Above 500 to 600 metres, it may be according to the German weather service (DWD) during the day, slight duration of frost. In the night of Thursday there may be widespread slight to moderate Frost, in the Alpine valleys and even part of severe Frost – a warning, one reads at the DWD rare.

Up in the night to Thursday, it can also be in Parts of the Swiss franc, as well as in the Alps, locally smooth to a light snowfall.

weather in Bavaria: it was January in Bavaria, especially cold

In Bavaria, it was in January, so cold as in any other state. The temperature was in the free state since the start of the month with an average of minus 0.9 degree Celsius, as is clear from the preliminary Figures of the German weather service (DWD) from Wednesday. In spite of the many snow in South and East Bavaria, the Offenbacher authority counted in North Rhine-Westphalia even more rainfall.

weather in Bavaria on Tuesday, 29. January: Many accidents due to smoothness

Überfrierende moisture and snowfall has led the police to numerous accidents. Alone from upper Franconia, the police reports 24 smoothness-related crashes. Three people were slightly injured. Among other things, a Truck went into a Spin, slammed into a Car and pushed it from the road.

Also in the Northern part of upper Bavaria there were several accidents. Interestingly, the regions in question are exactly the corners of the unprecedented snow chaos‘ in the beginning of January are spared.

Also in North Rhine-Westphalia it came to smoothness accidents. In Gütersloh, a 23-year-old motorist crashed hard as* reported.

Also in the coming nights, there may be according to the German weather service always smaller snow showers over the whole of Bavaria. In the daytime plus degrees and all night on Frost, it can always come back to dangerous slippery roads by überfrierende wet.

The weekend, the German weather service sees a well-known weather phenomenon in the Alpine space. Foehn winds can plus 10 degrees at the edge of the Alps on Friday. In addition, there are, according to the long-term prognosis a lot of precipitation, which should make for an interesting weather in the South of Bavaria.


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* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.