Michael Patrick Kelly: His iD-ends the Tour in Munich. The former member of the Kelly Family has introduced on his Tour, a thought-provoking action.

Munich – “No questions to the Kelly Family,” warns Management. How, please? An Interview with “Paddy”, with its roots not to mention? Sounds weird, but works if you completely ignore the times in which Michael Patrick Kelly as “Bravo”Poster in each of the second maid’s room. The Irish musician has left his Childhood behind. “iD” (Sony) is his most developed Album, says the 41-Year-old in the Interview. 15. September Michael Patrick Kelly ends the current Tour on Munich’s königsplatz. But prior to that, he is in the new season of “Sing my Song” (Vox) – as a host.

Many artists will tell you that they fall to their performances in an emotional hole. Do you know that?

Yes, it’s possible. right after a concert, I’m a few hours in the adrenaline rush. The next day you feel a little low, but the Routine on the Tour helps one to rebalance. In the six years that I was in the monastery, I learned the.

there’s something from this era that you miss?

Oh, Yes. I was in a French silent monastery, and it fell to me in the first few months can be tremendously hard to be silent. We have prayed for five hours a day and meditate. Since you only notice how much noise in your head and in your own feeling world. If you can endure the silence that one discovers after some time the inner man, the one missed in our very externally and performance-oriented world often. I miss that sometimes.

What do you do then?

I’m not just “Holidays”, holidays, but indulge in every year, so-called “Holy Days”. In this Retreat, I withdraw myself in a remote monastery in the Alps, turn off my phone and go with God online. Does really well and helps me process the many impressions that I experience as a musician.

you have also introduced in their concerts a moment of silence. Does it work?

Always! Then, it is so silent that you could hear a pin drop. This Moment to initiate, I forged Recently, a peace bell made from war scrap. In the First and Second world war, about 150 000 Church were confiscated bells, with the metal weapons. I have reversed this process. Now, the “Peace Bell” on Tour with us and ushers on the stage of our peace minute.

are you in 2019 not only on Tour, but also the host of “Sing my Song” – look forward to this role?

And how! 2017 I had the privilege to be guest in this great Show. That was for me musically and as a person very inspiring. It is touching, if other musicians interpret your Songs. Also this year, we have cooperated with artists such as Milow and Alvaro Soler a fantastic group.

also read: Kelly Family: shock statement! For years, there is no contact between the two siblings and Maite Kelly has a serious illness: The you revealed now in the TV