manufacturers like to advertise with products that are less sweet and low in calories. As the Eco-Test, is here tricks – and-true sugar bombs laminated.

anyone Who puts in the supermarket low-fat, low-calorie or less sweet products in the shopping cart, will usually do something Good and to take smaller amounts of sugar. How Öko-Test reported in its current edition, from February 2019, just stuck behind the products touted as healthy, real sugar bombs.

How much sugar per day: The fruit of the recommendations

The German nutrition society (DGE) recommends that adults have an upper limit of approximately 50 grams of free sugars (grapes and sugar) per day . Figuratively speaking: Ten teaspoons, or 17 cubes of sugar, you should treat yourself to the maximum. What appears at first glance to be fairly generous, but quickly: the sugar in fruit count finally juices or honey.

The world health organization (WHO) puts together the belt even tighter – here not more than 25 grams of sugar a day (five teaspoons) recommended . With a small glass of Apple juice, this value is reached quickly. Since the handle is to the seemingly low-sugar products to understand. But, unfortunately, the devil is in the Detail.

Öko-Test says: So sugary healthy foods seem to be really

Overall has taken Ökotest 22 products for breast , including a Crunchy-granola, salad and a yogurt with cereal. The result is that While manufacturers are required by law, the total sugar content on the packaging to indicate – obscure the actual Sugar content of your product in the list of ingredients, however, extremely skillful .

Therefore, consumers should pay less attention to such sayings as “natural Sweetness” or “30% less fat”, but instead, a look at the nutritional information throw on the back of the product. Under the item “carbohydrates” is the value ” sugar “. This is expected, usually also to a specific amount, such as 100 grams or milliliters.

interesting : two-year-old has never eaten sugar – the consequences are amazing.

So stood the Öko-Test, among other things, the yogurt “ Danone Activia cereal only 1.5% fat ” in a negative way to the eye. Although it is advertised on the packaging with cereal, but when you look at the nutrition facts table, there are actually only 1.2 percent. Instead, 100 grams of the product contain almost 13 grams of sugar. This corresponds to the pack is expected to 19 cubes of sugar.

Similarly, the 400-gram pack of ” deli Popp Colorful salad laminated “, that is, with all the added sugar 19 pieces of sugar cubes come together. The salad contains lettuce 100 grams of added sugar as a brand-Danube wave from the freezer, as a rule, such as Ökotest notes. What has yet to be tested, on the site of Ökotest.

also read : woman eats 40 days without sugar – that has serious consequences.

from hidden sugar bombs in Eight take