The Edeka branch management wanted to round of applause – and got instead a Shitstorm. It went to a Facebook published a new offer.

“another step towards sustainability”. With this enthusiastic Facebook Post, Edeka Johansen from the Rhineland-Palatinate Jockgrim campaigned proudly for his new wood Cutlery on the salad bar. Apparently, the branch line of praise expected for the transition to wood. But the shot backfired! What had not considered the Edeka branch, apparently even The eco-friendly plastic Cutlery is wrapped in plastic!

Numerous customers mokierten themselves about it on Facebook and Twitter. “Wood Cutlery in plastic wrap. Makes total sense,” said a Twitter user sarcastically.

And another Twitter user questioned whether it make sense to do the wood Cutlery cases of more trees. After hundreds of comments on Facebook, the Edeka branch, has pulled the ripcord, and the Facebook Post now deleted. If after the Shitstorm even the Cutlery on the salad bar was changed, is not known.

Edeka with a new act on Packaging: 220 kilos of waste per head

The retailers must pay attention nevertheless, to continue the theme of sustainability. Since the beginning of January, the new packaging law. It should help that more packaging will be collected and recycled, and that valuable resources are not processed to packaging. Because Germany is a waste, with about 220 kilograms per head and year, European leader in fit of packing. 18,16 million tons in 2016, a total, according to the latest Figures of the Federal Environment Agency.

Because packaging for manufacturers and the trade have the greatest importance, and the waste collection and recycling are a billion dollar business, does the policy still had a hard time against the mountain of waste. Consumers will not notice too much of the law, of course this is only a building block in the fight against unnecessary Waste. If the EU prohibits as planned, straws and Cutlery made of plastic, falls on the citizens.

Netto and Aldi already responded: No crockery and Cutlery and more made of plastic

The two discounters Netto and Aldi to make the pace of elimination of disposable tableware made of plastic. In the coming year, both companies take crockery and Cutlery from plastic from the range, as you told on Thursday. The super markets are EU rules earlier to grab from 2021.

Rewe and Lidl dispense disposable plastic articles

more and more supermarkets and discounters join the fight against plastic waste-mountains. Lidl, Rewe and the discounters Aldi use on dishes, drinking straws and disposable cups made of plastic. Other “unnecessary disposable plastic products” wants to change over Aldi, step-by-step to more environmentally friendly materials or reusable solutions to replace, as the Discounter said. Similar steps were announced in the past few months, Lidl and Rewe. So Lidl in around 3200 branches by the end of 2019, disposable plastic wants to discontinue items such as drinking straws, cups, plates, Cutlery and cotton swabs with plastic shafts stick completely and recyclable products replace. The renunciation of disposable plastic straws, the grocer had already announced in July. The Edeka belonging to the discounters, net of 2019, a also nationwide sales of plastic Cutlery and disposable cups made of plastic.

the Head of The Federal Environment Agency, Maria Krautzberger, but also the manufacturer has a duty: “to Unnecessary packaging shall be avoided, where it goes, or re-usable packaging to be replaced,” she says. If it must be disposable packaging,these should be as good as possible can be recycled. The plastic sheathing of the wooden Cutlery in Jockgrimer Edeka Johansen is not one of them guaranteed.


read also on the topic of disposable plastic:

Aldi, Lidl and co.: This Change to consumers should be reduced necessarily need to know

economy disposable plastic canteens