The Wolfratshauser the city Council with a large majority behind the proposed surf wave. However, the Committee caps the cost-sharing and ties to the city’s grant conditions.

Wolfratshausen Six years have passed since the initial ignition to the country, on Tuesday night, the city Council made a landmark decision in Weidach planned artificial surf wave: to proceed with The project – but with great reservations. The municipality sets a maximum of 400 000 euros for the shaft on the table, is 110 000 euros, which have been issued, according to the mayor, Klaus heiling Lechner already for planning and legal advice are included. In addition, the grant is not subject to eight conditions, which remain partly open to the public. Some of the requirements: All Cost estimates need to be provided with price of binding, in addition, the Council insists on a long-term warranty claims. All before the construction of the necessary agreements must be submitted to the panel “final stages of negotiation”.

especially, in order not to lose the funding from the leader programme of the EU – all in all, there are 282 000 euros – said town mayor and 16 councillors ‘ Yes ‘ to the shaft. Dr. Manfred Fleischer (CSU), Richard Kugler (party for the CSU) and Gerlinde Berchtold (SPD) voted in favour of a line under this Chapter of the surf to pull the shaft. The project is now “twice as expensive as in may,” complained Berchtold. For the extremely high investment amounted to unequal treatment as compared to other Clubs. Berchtold pointed to the hall usage fees, the charges of the municipality.

Annette Heinloth (Green), warned against double standards. A 250 000-Euro stands for the Isar-Loisach-Stadion, as well as further high level of investment in the sports facility in Farchet would have triggered the city Council no discussion. In addition, the city is ready, “more than two million euros for a new teaching swimming pool”. Heinloths conclusion: It is wrong to claim that “for other sports, no money is spent”. The proposal, which has been developed in the past two weeks, überfraktionell, “contains many of the conditions,” admitted Heinloth. “But it is a Yes, showing a way.”

For Fleischer, it was time to create “clarity”. The Only thing that speak for the waves location in Weidach, was the fact that the Loisach flows. “Otherwise, everything is very, very complicated,” said CSU councillor. From his point of view, not the city Council should agree to this (non-public) contract with the power plant operator, as only they are the beneficiaries of the Treaty. For the butcher, and neither gummy slingshot factory, a surf wave comes in Weidach “in question”. The vote was hypocritical, because “We all know that 400 000 Euro will not be enough.” Fritz Schnaller (SPD) did not want to contradict at the point: “Without a miracle, the decision will not be feasible,” he predicted.

SPD parliamentary leader Fritz Meixner known again to the project. However, he made the mayor heiling Lechner serious allegations. The order of the city Council had given in December to make up for the session on Tuesday reliable documents for the surf wave to create, had not been met. Meixner spoke of a “lack of project management”. The municipal building authority between the 28. December and 1. February, not to the process been involved. The result: The documents were “flawed, incomplete, and not consistent – it is not, it doesn’t work,” said the SPD’s parliamentary leader, shaking his head. The “sloppy preparation” could be interpreted as “contempt of Ratswillens”. Meixner: “I don’t understand the mayor. If you want a project, then you have to do something about it.“

CSU parliamentary group chief, Günther Eibl his counterpart Meixner agreed: Would have to vote on the city Council, on the Basis of the administrative templates, would have had to tell the Board no to the surf wave. Instead, representatives of all the groups have invested many hours of work to come to a compromise solution. Eibl: “We want to bring this thing on the way.”

Also heiling Lechner colleague Dr. Ulrike Krischke (civil Association) had “gaps”, “inconsistencies” and “errors” in the in the town hall provided documents discovered. “But the clarification is possible,” said Krischke.

For the defective documents, “I’ll take the responsibility,” said heiling Lechner. His appeal to the city Council before the vote: “do you Support the proposal for a decision.” cce