An incident on the Hörnle provides a lot of Trouble. A deer calf was half-bitten dead. The hunters are sure that it was a dog that was with ski tourers on the road. Without A Leash.

Update from the 13. February 2019, 09.25 PM:

“I don’t know what to say. Ignorance pur”, “when will the dog get the holder that you need to keep on the linen duty,” “Endless suffering for the wild animals” – this and similar comments are on Facebook to the incidents on the Hörnle, and the Altherrenweg in Oberammergau, where recently, three deer and two deer calves of free-running dogs have been ripped. The Hörnle mountain, it was probably a ski mountaineer, whose dog chased a deer calf to the point of total exhaustion – it had to be a hunter by his suffering redeemed, at the Altherrenweg dogs of walkers are expected to have the deer ripped. The perception of the professional hunter, Dominik Rödel suggests, the heard a Person over a longer period of time after his dog screaming. No question, the cases attract the minds and contribute to the mood of the Hörnle mountain, where there is anyway to Controversies between recreational athletes and basic owners as well as hunters, in addition to fueled.

incidents in the Altherrenweg now takes the private forest community (PWG) of Oberammergau on the occasion, to take preventive measures. It has requested from the district office, here is a wild protected area. On an area of around 50 hectares above the popular Hiking trail would be in the time of 15. November to 15. April a General prohibition. Currently the authority is considering this application. Further, the PWG wants to be in the municipality of representations, in order to achieve, for the specified period of time for the Altherrenweg from the shaft mount up to the district border Unterammergau is a leash law for dogs, there are yet in place.

PWG, managing Director of Anton Burkhart founded the initiative: “With the snow currently in need of Wild in urgent need of his rest. It is severely weakened and has no Chance to escape a well-fed dog.“ According to the observations of Burkhart and professional hunter, Dominik Rödel many walkers with dogs on Altherrenweg would not let their four-legged friends to run free. You’ve also seen dogs walk alone. The problem here, according to Burkhart, that close above a deer-feeding is currently being functioning very well, and from the Wild also accepted. “If there’s time dogs come in and the Wild shoo, we have a big Problem,” says the Forester. He and his professional hunter be not a dog hater, asserts Anton Burkhart, on the contrary: “We have a few yourself, and stick to the rules of the game and a leash on you.” It is only a question, and assured the 48-year-old Forester, that each has to offer a bit of of the own freedom and this gives the wild animals. The responsible urge to stay on the Paths: “Then it is not a Problem, if you leashed the dog.” Even on beautiful weekends, when on the way to true caravans of people were on the way. As well as on the piston, where ski touring in the true hosts of March. “Now,” said Burkhart has observed, “we have over there a 24-hour operation of people that go in the middle of the night up there . . .“

Oberammergau/Bad Kohlgrub – “time mountain” – this epithet has been used since several years, the Hörnle mountain, in the district of Garmisch-Partenkirchen. He aims to emphasize the Entschleunigungs character on a Tour to the Bad cabbage Gruber house mountain. But increasingly, the opposite is the case: The Hörnle mountain, developed for the “mountain Problem”, especially in the Winter. The interests of the ever-increasing recreational athletes, snow Shoe and ski mountaineers collide with those of landowners, forest farmers and hunters. The Situation threatens to escalate: prohibition and warning signs were knocked down, fences cut.

dog of a Skitourengehers rips the deer’s calf: the case of the heating Situation in addition to

into the heart of this controversial relationship is an incident that calls the critics of the caravan-like Hörnle-tours on the Plan now. The wife of a hunting tenant discovered recently when feeding a severely injured deer calf with a fist-sized hole on the right hind leg. Your summoned husband was still living, tedious fleeing calf, had to shoot it finally. In the more detailed investigation of the site in the snow, the hunting, the tenant discovered about 80 yards from the feeding of the deer removed traces of a large dog and very close to fresh ski tracks of a Tourengehers.

Anton Degele, Hunting master in this area, it is established beyond doubt that it is the work of a free-running dog. “The track situation is clear,” he says. “We have now made a complaint against Unknown to the police.” Degele is to be noted the irritation significantly. “How ignorant and selfish you have to be as a recreational athlete, actually, at night, in such snow depths urge its movement beyond the designated routes to the peak, at the expense of the weakened in this Winter, arg, and extremely sleep deprived wild animals to live? The coronation of such stupidity is not, then, to take his dog on a leash and not under control,“ grumbles he.

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dogs tearing Wild: In Oberammergau, there are similar cases

Klaus Pukal, the nature Park co-ordinator in the Ammergau Alps is sure that the dead deer calf was torn by dogs. “For the Wild in the case of a disaster is,” he says. It is located in an extremely low power saving mode to get me through the Winter.“ Any disruption could have dire consequences.

More cases of cracked wild animals there are in the neighbouring villages: In the village of Oberammergau Dominik Rödel, professional hunter, private forest, community of Oberammergau made in the past few weeks, the so-called Altherrenweg the discovery of three dead, torn deer, another deer calf dead in the neighboring area in Unterammergau. For Rödel is not beyond doubt, that free-running dogs of hikers chased the wild animals, brought down and torn: “It’s not just that people take their dogs on the leash, as it rule, but free to run.”

hunting head of Anton Degele emphasized that right now, where the mountains still so much snow, the wild animals are under enormous stress: “the high and verharschte blanket of Snow, you will find almost no food. In the Winter, go back to the deer the body temperature and heartbeat to a Minimum. It is startled, it needs to go within seconds, his metabolism so high, that it can come to great Stress and even death by exhaustion.“

The Hunting mayor complains: Many athletes have only their own pleasure in the look

Many leisure sports, snow Shoe and Tourenskigehern, especially those from the city, was not known, he believes. “Just walk away, criss-cross, without regard to losses and to the Wild, only his own pleasure,” upset Degele. Land owners, forest farmers and hunter appeal to all recreationists to stay on the cleared winter trails, ski slopes and designated ski-touring routes.

In all cases, the dogs should be leashed, so you Wake up only to find the well-hidden Wild. Anton Degele threatens: “The right to the free-entry exceeds legal in nature, here are his limits. If this continues, we have to think of something.“

WARNING disturbing

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birch moss: Fawn of free running dog savaged to death

Drama to death, shot on dog: the hunter

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