A man has mixed in Dachau to his wife sleeping pills into the coffee, out of love, he says. That’s why he now stood in front of the court.

Dachau – couples who are long married, happy, often give the tip: “Never go arguing bed!” From this tip, Arno M. (Name changed) from Dachau definitely never heard. After a quarrel with his wife, he mixed her sleeping pills in the coffee – but because he wanted to hurt her, as he says today. On the contrary, it is only the intention to save his marriage: He asked his wife, “you can just sleep really good and relaxing” and the next day, so he hope, has forgotten the separation of intentions and in a relaxed conversation, all of the marital problems dissolve into thin air.

man mixes a wife in Dachau, sleeping pills in coffee: ambulance woman arouse

What’s amusing, because it is so foolish, it sounds naive, of course, anything other than funny, but highly dangerous. The Arno M. noted on this winter night, as his wife fell into a comatose deep sleep. Only the paramedics could Wake you up. For this fact, M. had to answer now in front of the Dachau district court for grievous bodily harm.

Richter, Christian Calame sentenced the confessed the 52-Year-old to a nine-month prison sentence on probation. In addition, the defendant will have to pay 600 euros to the bridge Dachau. Calame made it clear in the meeting: “It hurts, but to put a man against his will in the bedroom, is injury.”

sleeping pills in the coffee is mixed: “really messed up”

That he shot with his romantic gesture far beyond that and he “really screwed up”, is the defendant in the meantime myself. In the trial, he repeatedly stressed that he want to hurt his wife “never”! He know you already have a whole life, the “love of his life” was. Nevertheless he the woman with whom he has four children, has resolved that night three of sleeping pills of the over-the-counter, pharmacy-only By means of Vivinox in your coffee. The woman had always said in case of dispute, that she was tired, she’d prefer to sleep than to discuss, therefore, the idea with the tablets.

As the wife falls back in deep sleep, he said to the son immediately, “he should call an ambulance,” said the defendant before the court. “I realised immediately that I made a mistake.” The woman said later to the police that their daughter had called the ambulance and her husband have tried to cover up his deed. He “tried with his Finger, the Cup of spite,” he quoted the judge from your statement.

Still in the ambulance, the paramedics, the woman charcoal tablets, so that it vomits the dangerous substances. Due to “intoxication,” it must remain for observation overnight in the hospital, but the next night, again dismissed – lasting damage it has suffered, thank goodness, no.

hearing before the district court Dachau: “I really wanted only that my wife is a good

“Why have you given your wife the same three sleeping pills?”, wanted to know judge Calame. The defendant had the means back then to home because he take it himself against his sleeping disorders due to the layer of service. “I said I would take one to two tablets”, he said in court. “I really wanted to, that my wife sleeps well, I didn’t mean to hurt her!” The judge described the Plan of the defendant as a “childish and absurd imagination”. You could put someone in deep sleep and think, then all the problems will dissolve into thin air. “You may, of course, not someone drugs well above the dosing recommendations administer. It was very dangerous!“

husband wife sleeping pills mixed in coffee: wife wanted to make no statement to the court

The wife wanted to make before the court, no testimony, however, she expressed to the police a suspicion, that it is not the first Time had been that her husband would have mixed something. The coffee have more often tasted sandy, you feel tired instead of awake. Once she woke up and her husband had just had his Hand between her legs – so the judge quoted from her former statement. As he hears that, begins the defendant, to laugh, shakes his head and says: “no, I wouldn’t do that!”

in the Meantime, the Couple is living separately, the wife moved out with three children, one of which is already grown up and has a family of his own. The man gives them money all the time, from the cares and the children. He stressed in court: “My wife gets all of me, what I’ve got!” In the future, he wants to pay controlled expenses for his family, for his wife, he has apologized several times. Since he has seen his mistake, he wants to get also psychological help. He was already at the Caritas advice.

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