Bavaria lies with the Federal Minister of health, Jens Spahn on the cross. The free state is demanding that Spahn stroking his plans without replacement, to open the AOK for the nationwide health insurance competition. The Head of the BKK regional Association brings meanwhile, a possible intermediate approach to the game.

Munich – The foray, with the Jens Spahn (CDU) countries and a significant part of the German health care system has applied, carries a nondescript name. “Fair-to-cash-in-choice-of-law” – so harmless sound a little can understand some, as a veritable Declaration of war.

Especially the General local sickness funds (AOK), the Federal Minister of health ills offended by it. Because Spahn plans to open up the eleven, so far regionally limited, operating funds for the competition in Germany. This would mean, among other things, that the AOK Bayern competes in the future with the AOK in Saxony-Anhalt or in NRW, Insured. An idea, which the countries concerned find anything other than sparkling, because you are afraid of losing their influence on the regional funds and thus on the supply. Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) has written, therefore, even a fire’s letter to Chancellor Angela Merkel.

in the face of such strong headwinds, Spahn the tables now. Until the middle of may, so he should have the countries invited, may you please provide alternative proposals.

The reaction is indignant. “It is not the task of the länder, to bring against proposals for an unmatched push, the all countries, with good reason, reject it unanimously,” said Bavarian health Minister Melanie Huml (CSU) of our newspaper. Instead, Spahn should withdraw his proposal without substitution. It was clear: “Jens Spahn to be expressed through a rearrangement of the POS competition is wrong.”

Because, to revive instead of the competition, will Spahn improving the economic pressure to Fund mergers. “Ultimately, it comes to a Trend in the direction of the unit of health insurance and unity insurance,” says Huml. The Minister stressed: “Regional dedicated health care funds are indispensable.”

The dispute between Spahn and the countries. In doing so, he obscured, in the eyes of Sigrid king far more substantial points, it should go in the Reform. Because first of all, the Head of the Bavarian Association of company health insurance funds do not believe that the national competition must be a contradiction to a regional commitment: “All insurance companies, whether organized on a regional level, or nationwide, open, are able to make for your Insured supply in the country.” Indeed, be it for funds, even attractive, to strive, especially in rural regions, particularly to their Insured. “Each Fund receives for its Insured in the country is simply more money than they spend for their care,” says the BKK-Bayern-Boss. In contrast, funds that provide primarily Insured in the expensive urban areas received no adequate compensation from the health Fund.

In addition, king argues, to leave the business decision whether you want to compete on the nationwide market, in principle, each cash register itself – so also the AOK. “I am, therefore, for a opening right, Opening a must,” says king. However, must still urgently the legal supervision of the funds unit. Because so far, the Federal insurance office the Federal funds and the respective länder supervise the AOK and other regional funds. In the industry view, the AOK draw from this division an unfair advantage prevails in many cases. “The supervision should, in future, be the same for all”, says king. “And also, the Federal insurance office must, in the event of violations significantly more powerful grip than in the past.”