the sanctuary of The Basilica of the Holy blood the old thing continues to be locked. The renovation is a two-digit million amount to devour.

Erding – From the outside, the sanctuary exudes Basilica of the Holy blood in lemon yellow, just a few cracks in the facade. But the Interior of the Church is a large building site. For the past three years, the Church is locked at the city Park, therefore – for safety reasons. The wooden door is a sign blocked: “Church for an indefinite period of time. No Worship Services“. Earlier it was Sacred to popular blood with wedding couples, today, the house of God needs to be renovated urgently. But it will not go, estimates of the Pretzener architect Markus Heilmaier: “I would at the moment are more likely to marry elsewhere”, he says: “It will probably take eight to ten years until everything is ready.”

Currently not clear, who will cover the costs of the renovation, says city pastor Martin Garmaier: “We expect to see costs in the tens of millions who cannot cope with our parish alone.” On request of the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising press spokeswoman Christina Tangier thing clear: “In this case, the Ordinariate is expected to be around 80 percent, who take over the parish 20 percent of the cost.” How high they are exactly, you need to show the current preliminary studies, so Garmaier: “After this, the Archdiocese needs to give the Green light for the renovation.”

is Clear: The sanctuary has a few years on the hump. In 1675, was begun with the construction. Almost 350 years later it hooks in several Places: indoor and outdoor, such as architect Heilmaier in the secluded Church. For a short visit the the local newspaper, he opened it. At the entrance, a red-and-white butterfly lattice depends he through slips and goes to the Altar. Prior to this, a theodolite, which is an angle measurement. “It measures every two hours,” says Heilmaier. In total, it fixed about 80 points in the Church and out if have this moved. If that is the case, we will inform the responsible engineering office automatically and immediately. Because the biggest Problem of the Church, the static remains.

in addition, are curious about the Altar and Church safety nets. This is because, on the Church benches, the white crumbs of the stucco on the ceiling it crumbles. In the back room of the Church networks are also under the galleries. With the foot healing shows Maier on the pillars: The tiles on the floor towards the column a few inches sunk in. Because the Church stands on a little stable pastureland, the Archdiocese announces: “The measurements have shown that the ground gives way, especially in heavy rain.” The Church’s Foundation, the way descends to the middle. “But the Church is not in danger of collapse,” says Heilmaier.

cameras driving current of the channel system of the Church, he explains: “we want to find out, whether the rain water runs into the sewer system or into the ground seeps.” That would be fatal – and shake again to the Church Foundation. After the camera inspection of the interior is to be examined according to its need for Renovation, due to the crumbling stucco of the ceiling. And: “Also in the gallery is crunch time.” Finally, there were cracks in the wooden structure of the organ-loft.

pastor Garmaiers conclusion: “With a bit of Ausweißeln is not done it since. Now we need to make’s gscheid.“ Finally, blood is Sacred, “one of the great jewels” in the district.

So long as the Church remains closed: “We can’t open the door. The risk is too great that stucco parts fall down.“ In the next few months, it becomes clear how much the renovation will cost exactly, says Heilmaier and says: “The work of the Archdiocese is sometimes difficult.” There is a need for many preliminary investigations, until the money for the measures. In addition, the Church does not stand on the remediation priority list of the diocese, he suspects: “Because it is primarily concerned with weddings have taken place” and less services.