Hot Talk at the ZDF, Markus Lanz had the two Green-Chairman Baerbock and Habeck guest. It was a right UN-balanced conversation.

Hamburg – Markus Lanz wanted to ask the Green-Achiever with the content, not beat around the Bush talk. And actually it was on Thursday evening in his ZDF-Talkshow the real thing – from both sides of the Green-Chairman Anna Lena Baerbock, and Robert Habeck, as well as from the presenter himself / herself. Almost, the mood would be tipped completely.

at the question of a coalition after the next Federal election Baerbock Snoop responded in Japanese: “politics is not a wish concert.”

Lanz (ZDF): Habeck appears to be sensitive to – criticism of Climate mega treasonous “

is” Really happening, it was then, when it came to specific costs for more climate protection. The example of a kindergarten teacher, the question was raised of the extent to which higher emissions are taxes on holiday flights for low-wage earners socially unjust. It’s a slugfest between Lanz and Green followed. “This is, of course, mega-reveals that those who care at least to social justice, always on the barricades when it comes to flying, meat-eating and Driving,” said Habeck. However, Habeck acknowledged that flights are “on average” would have to be more expensive to make in comparison to rail travel less attractive.

Lanz-announcement to Baerbock, and Habeck: “Please, this sharpness let us out of here, please!”

Short Baerbock appeared annoyed, as she took a Loud of Lanz as the speech interruption is true, in his direction, turned around and “I didn’t say,” hissed. Now handed it to the ZDF television presenter: “This was only meant to be in the affirmative. Please let’s get this sharpness out of here take. We are all in agreement that we do not know and wish to learn something here. I’m not personally not not. I don’t like this undertone that maybe we can omit the Yes“, to pflaumte the two Green politicians.

Actually, the conversation went further, according to this announcement, more relaxed and more polite. At the end of Lanz drew the conclusion that the round was “very lively”.

Frankfurter Rundschau criticized in a comment the interview of Markus Lanz with the Green Duo. He was occurred with a further Talk-host, the conservative journalist Wolfram Weimer, as a “would-be Inquisitor”. Read the full comment here*.

Markus Lanz warned, more recently, a CDU politician in his mission with the words: “you will not Be so aggressive.”

Meanwhile, the leader of the new star-Talks “Diskutehk duped”, the two young politicians Kühnert and Amthor. Suddenly they looked quite old.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network
