Robert Badinter died on Friday February 9 at the age of 95. A national tribute was paid to the former Minister of Justice, father of the abolition of the death penalty, this Wednesday February 14, Place Vendôme in Paris. Emmanuel Macron announced the pantheonization of the former Minister of Justice.

“Lawyer, Minister of Justice, man for the abolition of the death penalty. Robert Badinter never stopped pleading for the Enlightenment. He was a figure of the century, a republican conscience, the French spirit.” Reacting to the announcement of the death of Robert Badinter on Friday, Emmanuel Macron immediately announced that a national tribute would be paid to him. The tribute ceremony took place this Wednesday, February 14, 2024, Place Vendôme, in front of the Ministry of Justice.

Emmanuel Macron took the floor to pay tribute to the career of the man who was Minister of Justice from 1981 to 1986. In conclusion, the Head of State announced his decision to pantheonize Robert Badinter. An idea which had previously been submitted to the family of the deceased.