160 years Ago, the low-Bronner sisters began their Work in Fürstenfeldbruck. The service in the hospital, the old people’s home Theresianum developed. The anniversary celebration of the sisters with a large and good-bye.

Fürstenfeldbruck– When you walk through the city, in the divine service in the churches, when shopping: you Always meet a low-Bronner sisters. They came in 1859, according to Bruck, thanks to the then mayor, Johann Baptist Miller and pastor Gunzlmann to. Because at that time, the sisters of the Divine Savior, as the congregation had officially called – is already in the Vincentinum in Munich.

chapel and outpatient Station

+ In the hospital at the Josef Spital street, the low-Bronner sisters have started their Work. The photo dates from the year 1831.

thanks to the commitment of the two superior, Mary Stanislaus was born with two sisters in 1859 to the hospital at the Josef Spital road. They were patient and took care of the house economy. After a visit to the founder a year later, a chapel was added. “That was for the sisters is very important,” says sister Erna Maria. Soon, an outpatient Station was affiliated with the sisters from 1920 to 1927, supervised. There are also some pensioners were connected to the house, however, was too small. So the sisters in 1927, went with them into Joseph’s pin at the school road. There she worked until 1957, in the hospital up to 1979.

The nurse was not the only task of the low-Bronner sisters. In 1908, the mother superior, sister Colomba received the order to do something for the youth. You came into the conversation with Betty veal, who introduced her to an unused barn in Church street – the St. Sofia house. There, the nurses brought the girl to the house economy with the goal of starting a school.


Betty the calf is not left to the order only to the barn, she gave him the entire plot of land on which today the Theresianum and the seniors residential complex in the Amperauen – approximately 7000 square meters of ground. “You decreed that the sisters must keep it for a lifetime,” reported sister, Erna, Maria. “The cross at the entrance should remain, and your grave care will be taken.” This order, the nuns feel to this very day.

On 2. February 1932-the well-equipped barn was given the name of the Theresianum – patron, the then provincial superior Marie Therese, and Teresa of Avila were. In the war, assisted the sisters in many of the groups that came to the children’s relocation programme from the Ruhr area. In addition, they offered typewriter and sewing courses for girls. “A happiness that the sisters were involved,” says sister Erna Maria. Because the national socialists wanted to get rid of the Catholic nuns actually.

letters smuggled

Handed down is that there was after the war a collection camp in Emmering. For the occupiers it was cooked in the Theresianum. And the prisoner’s sister Marie Clemens with the hand cart and Radl brought Blankets and food, told sister, Erna, Maria. “And you smuggled letters out and sent them to the Relatives.”

After the war, was founded in 1947 with the support of the city of the first home Economics school and later a training course for social professions. In the winter school, girls learned to cook, also, a few weeks, sew, and Steno. A Kindergarten was built, and from 1958 to 1977, operated the nursery nurses needed inside finally practice.

Bruck, the demand for aged care places grew. So, it was built on the barn, the present building located in the West wing of the Theresianums and opened in 1979. From the in-house business school, a retirement community for the sisters. To were “the time, the most there,” recalls sister Agnes. Around 30 in the rest house, and a further ten were still in active service in nursing and home Economics.

a lack of Junior staff

+ 1931 celebrated sisters and craftsmen, the Hebauffeier for the barn-farming – the later Theresianum

The time has brought changes. From young lack the low-Bronner sisters could no longer cope with all tasks. In 1991 the first of a worldly chef, and a year later the first home of conductor Armin Seefried, is up today in the house came from. In 2004, the non-profit company TGE was founded, which is in charge of the Theresianum. “The Supreme supervision of the order continues to be,” stresses Seefried.

The number of sisters decreased more and more. The retirement house was demolished in 2006 and a new building for the care of the elderly replaced. Until 2018, the old building was renovated and a geronto-psychiatric Department is expanding. Currently, four sisters in the Theresianum in a small community. They provide pastoral care, visit residents, help him Settle in and accompany you to the section in the last life. “We have time for people,” says sister Agnes. This human under the Theresianum of other Ancient and vaginal care homes, reported Seefried from discussions with residents and relatives. “We appreciate what they do for us and for the people.”

About the order, and the anniversary celebration

the congregation of The sisters of the divine Redeemer currently has around 1000 members. There used to be a province of Bavaria, in the meantime, she’s been to the province of Germany and Austria combined, of the approximately 500 nuns belong to. A recent highlight was the beatification of the founder, Alfons Maria Eppinger was 2018. The anniversary should be for the sisters, a day of reunion. “We are meeting with sisters who have lived here and worked.”

Around 20 have announced your Coming, most of them are now over 80 years old. Including former teachers and the former mother superior sister Ehrengardis and sister, Helmine, who sat for many years in the Theresianum at the gate are. The festivities begin on Sunday 8. September, at 10.30 am with a festival service with Canon Prelate Lorenz Kastenhofer in the garden of the Theresianums. From 13.30 PM, visitors can go in the chapel for a video presentation on a journey through 160 years. To see old photos, even of classes of the school and from the Kindergarten. There are various interactive activities. Also coffee and cakes, there are recipes from grandmother’s times. The conclusion of Vespers in the chapel is at 16.30.