For the return of the former minister to the hemicycle, the latter knew how to titillate the president of the RN, particularly regarding Professor Raoult. Marine Le Pen was quick to respond.

Olivier Véran quickly found his feet at the Assembly. The former Minister of Health and then government spokesperson, who regained his seat as a deputy this week, spoke in the hemicycle on Wednesday February 14, as part of a debate on the law relating to sectarian aberrations . His intervention was immediately greeted by boos from the far-right benches. “Frankly, when I hear you, I tell myself that I did well to come back,” he quipped.

The deputy for Grenoble focused his intervention on the case of the “quasi-messianic delusions” of Professor Didier Raoult during the Covid-19 pandemic. A subject for which he did not fail to tickle the National Rally. “Before coming, I searched on Google. I typed, for example, ‘guru’ and ‘Raoult’, and I found more answers than by typing ‘science’ and ‘Le Pen’, a he notably declared.

Marine Le Pen was quick to respond to the former minister’s charge. “Sorry, but if there is one person who should not have spoken today, it is Mr. Véran, who said everything and the opposite of everything during the Covid crisis,” replied the president of the RN deputies.

“So we’re going to talk about Professor Raoult, because it’s a fundamental subject,” continued Marine Le Pen. “But tell me, aren’t there a few ministers who were treated by Professor Raoult? There aren’t some of your great mayors, presidents of regional councils, who were treated by Professor Raoult ? There is not a President of the Republic who went to pay homage to Professor Raoult? And now, you are dragging him through the mud,” she accused, to the applause of her colleagues.