the Ministry reported How the Ministry of the interior on request, included the authorities at the beginning of November in the Islamist spectrum, nationwide, 679 so-called threat. For comparison: in July 2018, the police still had 774 Islamist “threat” on the screen.
As a “threat” referred to in the field of politically motivated crime people, which one trusts serious acts of violence to terrorist attacks.
Higher tracking pressure
the Chairman of The Union in the interior Committee of the Bundestag, Armin Schuster), believes that here, too, since the terrorist attack on Berlin’s Breitscheidplatz, three years ago, increased pressure for investigation and Prosecution “of a certain effect,” he told the German press Agency.
On the 19. December 2016, the Islamist Terrorist anise Amri was a car with a hijacked load to the Christmas market at the memorial Church, barreled. The rejected asylum seekers from Tunisia, killing twelve people.
Earlier “threat-speeches”
The police did not show radical Islamists today, earlier and more often due to “threat-speeches” that their activities go unnoticed, said Schuster. Also, searches and arrests would now arranged in a previous stage. In addition, the authorities focused not only on networks and groups, but also on radical Islamists, who might perhaps commit alone attacks.
In several States were also set up units that strove intensely for the deportation of “Gefährdern”. Currently run according to Schuster, nationwide, over 1,000 investigative procedures in the area of Islamism: about 890 procedures in the countries and 150 in the
eye-witness videos show the first seconds after the Kalashnikov assault in Moscow, FOCUS Online/Wochit eye-witness videos show the first seconds after the Kalashnikov assault in Moscow