The President of the Senate Gérard Larcher opened the door to the development of the abolition of land law.

Traveling to Mayotte last weekend, Gérald Darmanin announced a constitutional revision intended to eliminate land law. And this, “before the end of summer,” he promised. While the archipelago is going through an unprecedented crisis, the government intends to stem the migration crisis thanks to this “radical decision”, as the Minister of the Interior himself described it. And to insist: “It will no longer be possible to become French if you are not yourself the child of French parents.”

For Gérard Larcher, the abolition of land law “does not solve everything but it is an extremely strong signal” because “Mayotte is in a terrible situation” he declared this week on BFMTV. “We have a duty to protect our compatriots,” he continues. The latter also wanted to recall that the cases of Guyana and Saint-Martin had been addressed within the framework of the immigration law passed last December. A measure rejected by the Constitutional Council “for formal reasons” he explains.

“The reality of migratory phenomena today in Europe and in the world must lead us to re-examine the conditions for the exercise of land law and blood law” analyzes the President of the Senate. On the subject of Mayotte, Gérald Darmanin further highlighted the territory’s power of attraction for emigrants coming from the Comoros.