The latest World of Warcraft expansion, allowing players to the afterlife, and explore. But even more important are the changes in the background, which made the game more accessible to make.
in World of Warcraft can be a daunting game to get another start. In the online role-play was fifteen years ago, for the first time, was released and has, since then, a total of seven new extensions are given. Each expansion added a new area, and at a higher level in order to achieve it.
Thresholds < / p> the new content is fun for the players of the first hour, but for newcomers, they drempelverhogend. Suddenly, you had to not be level 60 to get to be with friends, to play games, but at level 120. And all of a sudden, you had all those areas of your friends of years ago would have been.
as a Developer, Blizzard is trying to make this process as been for years and years to be fully implemented. You will level up faster than ever before, and with the purchase of a new add-on, you get a one-time option to create a character and immediately be a high level to make it.
however, those are not elegant solutions, since you have a few of the game’s idea and all of a sudden have to learn how to create a complex character with a high level of play.
in addition, in the latest expansion pack for the game e, therefore, to be a controversial solution: the maximumlevel of the character is lowered from level 120 to level 60. You have reached level 50, only one of the expansions to play it, and then you have the new game e-areas for diving.
That levelverlaging brings a lot of changes. For a character to learn a lesson in sixty-jumps, the spells and attacks that he or she will normally be in the 120 levels, which makes you with each and every new level, something new for you to try out. The increase in the level and should always be a rewarding feeling, promise, and the people behind them.
Life and death
on Top of it is even with all the new content in the Shadowlands. The separation between the living and the dead opengerukt, allowing players to, for the first time to the site a lot. The place is divided up into four different areas, with different types of spirits are to be sent for all eternity to spend on it.
it’s a new area for the World-a great excuse to go for the death of the gamehelden made a comeback to be made. In a brief demo, we were able to walk around in a Bastion, is a Greece-inspired landscape. There was Uther the Lightbringer, one of the hero, who died in 2002, published strategy game, Warcraft III.
the Traditional
even Though a lot of the underlying systems in the game e is to be changed, it was the Bastion of the extremely traditional. Just as they did in previous World of Warcraft expansions, we accepted quests, which we completed by the items to find or monsters to slay. Are you ready to get your new missions, or are you looking for something to further for new clients.
The killing of the monsters, it was during our time of play are also fairly straight forward. Shadowlands is a clear, accessible game, in which you’ll with ease, with multiple enemies at the same time, to address to them. This stands in stark contrast to the recent re-release of the first in the World in which the enemies pose a challenge, and that the world is dangerous.
No new races or classes to
in addition, it has no new classes or races added to it, so you have to resort to already existing characters. Alternatively, you personagetypes more freely to your own taste. This is particularly noticeable in the human spelfiguren, more options, more skin tones have.
in Addition, it promises to be the gamestudio that you use your existing character in the long term is more to your taste you can adjust. As soon as you get to level 60 is reached, you can connect to any one of the four tribes of the dead, each of which has unique abilities and armor have to offer. A mage who is also a member of the evil Necrolords can see this is totally different than someone who works for the environmentalist Night-Fae, and even plays, something else.
you can create a second character, it should also be easier. See, the game is that you get to the end of the game e has been reached, then the next hero will have a Covenant, and in a different way, the maximumlevel away.
this is a smart way to do it is to train a new character to stay fresh, which is also hand-in-hand working with the new levelverlaging. Because of that, for the first fifty levels for only one of the seven earlier expansions, the need to explore, you can get seven characters to level up, without ever having to do the same thing. It will make the game longer enjoyable for players that don’t necessarily have to difficult the raids are, at the maximumlevel want to do it, but the world is a peaceful experience.
Preliminary conclusion < / p> the World of Warcraft game e try to use the threshold to decrease for the players, who, after fifteen years, even the World of Warcraft and want to play it. A commercially smart move and great news for newcomers, but it remains to be seen how much new stuff there is for fans of the first hour. There are no new races or classes, so the new time is just subtle enough. The impact of these small changes will be needed in the final game, obviously.
the World of Warcraft game e, will appear in 2020 for the pc.