The vuurwerkrecord, which was expected, as a matter of fact. According to the Association Pyrotechnics, the Netherlands was € 77 million in the u.s., which is 10 per cent more than in 2018.

The previous record was in 2008, and in 2009 it passed, when there were 74 million euro at the fireworks display, was released.

in particular, siervuurwerk is in high demand, says spokesman Marcel Teunissen of That is, a shift from earlier trends.

Also, people often for more expensive items, such as the so-called ‘compoundvuurwerk’. “That will be composed of boxes that you can use the light from a single spark, a minivuurwerkshow get to see it,” explains Teunissen out. These kind of can range in price from about 100 to about 500 euros and the winner for quite a few years of popularity.

it is also Noteworthy that this is the year of the verkooppiek not be on the 31st of december and on the 30th of december went down.