on Temporary contracts, employers may be more expensive, while the employer charges an employee on a permanent basis just to go down. This is due to the introduction of the Law of the labour market is in balance (S), and the new UNEMPLOYMENT insurance premium, as reported to hr and the salarisdienstverlener ADP on Thursday.

now, In 2019, paid to an employer for an employee under a temporary contract, and an average income on a monthly basis to 538 euros, to the employer’s charges. That is, by 2020, 99 euros per month or more. If the same employee on a permanent basis, it is, the employer must pay the 42 € per month.

“The big difference is almost entirely caused by the new UNEMPLOYMENT insurance premium,” according to ADP.

in 2020, there is a single UNEMPLOYMENT insurance premiums, having a high and a low rate of, respectively, 7,94, and to 2.94 percent. For employers, the high rate of pay for temporary, flexible contracts, as well as the low rate of workers with a permanent contract of employment. So, trying to be the government to employers to encourage more fixed-price contracts to be closed.

now, Only public employers are not subject to the new rates they have to pay the old premiums.